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Remove the Old Unit from the Dashboard
DIN Front Mount
2. Insert the keys supplied with the
old unit into both sides of the unit
as shown in figure below until
they click. Pull to remove the old
unit from the dashboard.
1. Remove the outer trim frame.
Tools for Installation
Use the 2 removal wrenches of the old unit to take out the old unit and place with this brand new car radio. The following tools and sup-
plies may also be needed for the installation:
Tools for Installation: Philips Screw-drivers /Machine Screws /Wire Stripper /Wire Cutter /Hammer /Pencil /Electrical Tape /Electric Drill
Supplies for Installation: Machine Screws /Crimp Connectors /14 Gauge Wire for Power Connections /14-16 Gauge Speaker Wires
The above are not supplied.
Before you install
Automotive audio equipment installations can be challenging even to the most experienced of installation technicians. We strongly rec-
ommend that this unit should be professionally installed by a VAT registered installer (this is a requirement to validate the warranty).
IMPORTANT: Remove the two transport screws from the top fo the unit before installing.
Mark Polarity of the Speaker Wires
Marking the polarity of the speaker wires will make it easier to connect the existing speakers to your car radio. Consult wiring diagram
of existing head unit before disconnecting any wires. If you are not positive of the polarity of the existing wires from the speakers to the
head unit, install new wires.
1. While the old unit is playing, disconnect the wires from one speaker.
2. Take a length of masking tape and fold it around the wire so it forms a flag.
3. On the masking tape mark the polarity of the speaker wires (+&-), as well as left or right, and front or rear.
4. Double check that you marked the first speaker correctly by checking that the speaker wires are the same at the head unit.
5. Repeat this procedure for all of the speakers.
6. Mark the power, ground, and any other wires also.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Caliber RMD575BT

Caliber RMD575BT Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Português, Espanõl, Polski, Svenska - 28 pagina's

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