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Short press Long press Short press Long press Short press Long press
1 Mute Power on/off
2 Rotary volume
4 Menu
5 Rotary search
6 Display
8 Display settings
ID3 on/off
10 Mode
11 PTY Band
13 M1 Store M1
14 M2 Store M2
15 M3 Store M3
Repate track/all
16 M4 Store M4
17 M5 Store M5
Folder UP
18 M6 Store M6
Folder DOWN
20 CD eject
USB slot
CD slot
SD card slot
Panel release button
3,5 mm. AUX in jack
Panel release
Push to release the front panel.
Power function to activate or deactivate the unit.
Band selection allows you to select different reception bands, f.i. FM1, FM2, FM3, MW.
Push this button to turn off the sound, push again to return to the last volume level.
AF stands for Alternative frequencies; the tuner will return to alternative frequencies whenever the reception signal is getting worse.
The PTY function allows you to search for stations with a particular program type like NEWS group and POP group both of these groups are
divided in different subjects. PTY "POP", pop/rock, easy/light, classics/others, jazz/country, nation/oldies. PTY "NEWS", news/info, sport/educatie,
culture/science, weather/finance, social/religion.
Rotary search
Turn to search for the next or previous station automatically or manual.
Press the button to access the system menu, to adjust the following audio and system Settings:
iXbass, EQ, Bass, Treble, Balance, Fader, Clock, Local, Beep, Area.
The mode button allows you to go from one source to another source (f.i. Tuner) by pushing the button as many times as needed.
Display settings
In this display menu you can see with PTY setting you are using, and if tou want to display the clock or not.
TA stands for Traffic announcement which means that it will give you information about the traffic (if broadcasted) no matter what mode you are
in (CD, USB, SD) it will automatically interrupt the music and give the information, afte
r that it automatically switches back to the selected mode.
Rotary volume
This knob allows you to adjust the volume from minimum to maximum level. NOTE high sound levels may cause damage to your ears.
These are the preset stations where you can store your favorite radio stations if in tuner mode.
This button allows you in CD, USB or SD mode to play or to pause the music.
INT will play 10 seconds of each song on the USB or SD. If the preferred song is playing, push again and it will play that song.
Shuffle will play all the songs random. Available in USB and SD mode.
Repeat will play a selected song or album continuously. Available in USB and SD mode.
PS stands for Preset stations this means that when you push this button in tuner mode it will automatically switches to the first preset (M1) then i
will go to the next and so on.
AS stands for Autostore; in tuner mode it will automatically store the 6 strongest stations. Note: all previous stored stations are lost
Hold this button in the MP3 mode to switch the track ID function on or off.
Folder UP/DOWN
In MP3 mode hold this button to go up or down a folder.
3.5mm AUX in jack
To connect an external audio system.
USB slot
When inserting a USB stick the unit will switch to USB mode. (Max 16GB)
CD slot
When inserting a CD the unit will switch to CD mode.
SD card slot
When inserting a SD card the unit will switch to SD mode. (Max 16GB SDHC card)
(behind panel)
Use a non-metallic pointed object to press and hold the reset button for 5 seconds. The unit will be set to factory default.
Description of the functions
Aenon! Never operate the unit while driving

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Andere handleiding(en) van Caliber RCD110B

Caliber RCD110B Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 17 pagina's

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