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Users Guide
Read this guide before you start using your P-touch.
Keep this guide in a handy place for future reference.
Follow these guidelines to avoid the risk of fire, burns, injury, electric
shocks, rupture, overheating, abnormal odours or smoke.
Always use the specified voltage and the included AC adapter (AD-E001) for the
P-touch to prevent any damage or failure.
Do not touch the P-touch during a lightning storm.
Do not use the P-touch/AC adapter in places of high humidity such as bathrooms.
Do not overload the power cord.
Do not place heavy objects on, or damage the P-touch, power cord or plug. Do not
forcibly bend or pull the power cord. Always hold the AC adapter when
disconnecting from the power socket.
Make sure that the plug is fully inserted in the power socket. Do not use a socket
that is loose.
Do not allow the P-touch/AC adapter/power plug/batteries to get wet, for example,
by handling them with wet hands or spilling beverages on to them.
Do not disassemble or modify the P-touch/AC adapter/batteries.
Do not allow a metal object to contact both the plus and minus ends of a battery.
Do not use sharp objects, such as tweezers or a metallic pen, to change the
Do not throw the batteries into fire or expose to heat.
Disconnect the AC adapter, remove batteries immediately and stop using the
P-touch if you notice abnormal odour, heat, discolouration, deformation or anything
unusual while using or storing it.
Do not use a damaged or leaking battery as the fluid may get on your hands.
Do not use a deformed or leaking battery or one whose label is damaged. There is
a possibility of damaging the P-touch.
Since loss of eyesight may result if leaked fluid from batteries gets into your eyes,
immediately rinse your eyes with a large amount of clean water, and then seek
medical attention.
Follow these guidelines to avoid personal injury, liquid leakage, burns
or heat.
When the P-touch is not being used, store it out of the reach of children. In addition,
do not allow children to put any P-touch parts or labels in their mouths. If any object
has been swallowed, seek medical attention.
Do not touch metal parts around the print head immediately after printing.
Do not touch the cutter blade. (See Unpacking the P750W and Parts Description.)
If leaked fluid from batteries gets on your skin or clothes, immediately rinse them
with clean water.
Remove the batteries and disconnect the AC adapter if you do not intend to use the
Do not use any batteries other than those specified. Do not use combinations of old
and new batteries or combinations of different types, different charging levels,
different manufacturers or different models. Do not insert a battery with its plus and
minus ends reversed.
Do not drop or hit the P-touch/AC adapter.
Do not put your finger inside the P-touch when you close the cassette cover.
Before using Ni-MH rechargeable batteries, carefully read the instructions for the
batteries and battery charger, and be sure to use them correctly.
When using Ni-MH rechargeable batteries, charge the batteries with a specialised
battery charger before using the batteries.
Do not put your finger inside the tape exit slot. You could be injured by the cutter
Depending on the location, material, and environmental conditions, the label may
unpeel or become irremovable, the colour of the label may change or be transferred
to other objects. Before applying the label, check the environmental conditions and
the material.
Do not use the P-touch in any way or for any purpose not described in this guide.
Doing so may result in accidents or damage to the P-touch.
Use Brother TZe tapes with the P-touch.
Only use a soft, dry cloth to clean the P-touch; never use alcohol or other organic
Use a soft wipe to clean the print head; never touch the print head with your fingers.
Do not put any foreign objects into the tape exit slot, the AC adapter connector or
battery compartment, etc.
Do not place the P-touch/batteries/AC adapter in direct sunlight or rain, near heaters
or other hot appliances, in any location exposed to extremely high or low
temperatures (e.g., on the dashboard or in the back of your car), high humidity, or
in dusty locations.
Do not try to print if the cassette is empty; it will damage the print head.
Do not pull the tape while printing or feeding; it will damage the tape and the P-touch.
Any data stored in memory will be lost due to failure or repair of the P-touch, or if
the batteries expire.
The P-touch is not equipped with a charging feature for rechargeable batteries.
The length of the printed label may differ from the displayed label length on the
A protective clear plastic sticker is placed over the top panel during manufacturing
and shipping. This sticker should be removed prior to use.
When printing multiple copies of a label or using the numbering function printing, the
P-touch will not detect the end of the tape cassette and will continue operating.
When using Heat Shrink Tube, the printing area will be smaller than when using
normal tape.
If you connect a mobile device to the P-touch using the NFC function without
installing a specialised application, the Apps section of Google Play may be
displayed on your mobile device automatically.
You may be charged a communication fee for this service.
Open Source Licensing Remarks
This product includes open-source software.
To see the open source licensing remarks, please go to the manual download
selection on your model’s home page of Brother Solutions Center at
Trademarks and Copyrights
BROTHER is either a trademark or a registered trademark of Brother Industries, Ltd.
P-TOUCH is a trademark or registered trademark of Brother Industries, Ltd.
© 2014 Brother Industries, Ltd. All rights reserved.
Microsoft, Windows Vista, Windows Server and Windows are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other
Apple, Macintosh, Mac OS, iPhone, iPad and iPod are trademarks of Apple Inc.,
registered in the United States and other countries.
The names of other software or products used in this document are trademarks or
registered trademarks of the respective companies that developed them.
Wi-Fi and Wi-Fi Alliance are registered trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
Each company whose software title is mentioned in this manual has a Software
Licence Agreement specific to its proprietary programs.
Any trade names and product names of companies appearing on Brother products,
related documents and any other materials are all trademarks or registered
trademarks of those respective companies.
Please see the Brother Solutions Center (http://support.brother.com/) for the latest OS
compatibility information.
Safety Precautions
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, could result in death or serious injuries.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not
avoided, may result in minor or moderate injuries.
General Precautions
Declaration of Conformity (Europe Only)
We, Brother Industries, Ltd.
15-1, Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho-ku,
Nagoya 467-8561 Japan
declare that this product and AC adapter are in conformity with the essential
requirements of all relevant directives and regulations applied within the European
The Declaration of Conformity (DoC) can be downloaded from the Brother
Solutions Center.
Visit http://support.brother.com/ and:
select “Europe”
select your country
select your model
select “Manuals” and your language, then click “Search”
select Declaration of Conformity
click “Download”
Your Declaration will be downloaded as a PDF file.
Declaration of Conformity for R&TTE (Radio and
Telecommunications) Directive 1999/5/EC (Europe only)
(Applicable to models with telecommunications and/or
We, Brother Industries, Ltd.
15-1, Naeshiro-cho, Mizuho-ku,
Nagoya 467-8561 Japan
declare that these products are in conformity with the provisions of the R&TTE
Directive 1999/5/EC. A copy of the Declaration of Conformity can be downloaded
by following the instructions in the Declaration of Conformity (Europe only)
Tape cassette Brother TZe tape (width)
3.5 mm, 6 mm, 9 mm, 12 mm, 18 mm, 24 mm
AC Adapter AD-E001
Rechargeable Li-ion Battery BA-E001

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Andere handleiding(en) van Brother P-Touch P750W

Brother P-Touch P750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 59 pagina's

Brother P-Touch P750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Brother P-Touch P750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Brother P-Touch P750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 59 pagina's

Brother P-Touch P750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 59 pagina's

Brother P-Touch P750W Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 59 pagina's

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