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Care and precautions
1) Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the machine.
2) Use only
AA-size (LR6) alkaline batteries
3) Do not expose the machine or the tape cassette to high
temperatures, high humidity, or excessive dust.
4) If you do not intend to use the machine for an extended
period of time, remove the batteries.
5) Do not touch the tape cutter button while printing or
replacing the cutter unit.
6) Do not touch the cutter blade.
7) Do not block the tape exit slot.
8) Do not put labels in your mouth.
9) Do not stick labels onto skin.
10) If the machine “locks up” (i.e., it does not respond
when a key is pressed), press to turn off the
machine; then, while holding down and ,
press once to turn the machine on again.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC
Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protec-
tion against harmful interference in a residential installation.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communi-
cations. However, there is no guarantee that interference will
not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,
the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one
or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different
from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
for help.
Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Brother
Industries, Ltd. could void the users authority to operate the
How to make a label
1) Insert the batteries.
2) Insert a tape cassette.
3) Turn on the P-Touch by pressing .
4) Type in and format the text.
Your text can be up to 55 characters long including spaces. See
“Advanced functions” for more details on formatting your text.
5) Print the label by pressing .
Before printing, be sure that the back cover is attached,
otherwise the label cannot be printed.
6) Cut off the label.
The tape cutter button is equipped with a safety mecha-
nism. Do not try to force the cutter button since it cannot
be operated if no cassette is installed and the back cover is
removed. If the cutter button is forcefully operated, correct
printing may no longer be possible.
7) Peel off the backing.
Changing the batteries
1) Remove the back cover by pressing in on the rough
area at the top end of the machine and pulling off the
back cover.
2) If batteries are already installed, remove them.
Before removing the batteries, pull out the tape cas-
sette if one is installed.
3) Insert
six new AA-size (LR6) alkaline batteries
in the
direction shown by the illustration on the bottom of the
battery compartment. The positive end of the three bat-
teries in the bottom row point downward, while the
positive end of the top three batteries point in the
opposite direction.
Back cover
When inserting new batteries, always insert them pos-
itive end first. When removing old batteries, always
remove them negative end first.
Always replace all six batteries at the same time with
brand new ones.
4) Attach the back cover by inserting the two hooks on the
bottom end of the back cover into the slots on the bot-
tom end of the machine, then pushing down firmly on
the cover until it snaps into place.
Changing the tape cassette
1) Remove the back cover by pressing in on the rough
area at the top end of the machine and pulling off the
back cover.
2) If a tape cassette is already installed, pull it straight out
and remove the paper tab from the new tape cassette.
Make sure that the end of the tape in the new cassette
feeds under the tape guides.
The tape that is provided with the P-touch
Home&Hobby is a 13.3’ long (4m) starter tape. Tapes
available for purchase are 26.2’ (8m) long.
3) Insert the tape cassette, making sure that it clicks into place.
Check that the cassette fits properly around the two
metal guides in the cassette compartment.
4) Attach the back cover by inserting the two hooks on the
bottom end of the back cover into the slots on the bot-
tom end of the machine, then pushing down firmly on
the cover until it snaps into place.
5) Feed the tape by holding down and pressing ,
then cut the tape by pressing in on the tape cutter button.
The amount of tape remaining is visible through the
window in the back of the P-Touch.
When the usable tape is finished, green ribbon appears.
Changing the cutter unit
When the cutter becomes blunt and ceases to cut the tape
cleanly, replace it.
1) Remove the back cover and the tape cassette.
2) Grasp the tab on the top of the cutter unit and pull out
the cutter, taking care not to touch the blade.
3) Grasp the tab on the new cutter unit and insert it as
shown below.
Cleaning the print head
If dust accumulates on the print head, blank horizontal
lines may appear through the printed label. If this hap-
pens, clean the print head as follows:
1) Turn off the P-Touch.
2) Remove the back cover and the tape cassette.
3) Use a dry cotton swab to gently wipe the print head
and rubber pinch roller with an up-and-down motion.
4) Re-insert the tape cassette, attach the back cover, turn
on the machine, hold down and press to feed
the tape, and then try printing.
5) If blank lines remain in the printed label, repeat steps 1
through 4, this time using a cotton swab dipped in iso-
propyl (rubbing) alcohol.
Most retailers and distributors carry a full line of tape cas-
settes. If you wish to order accessories for your P-Touch
direct from Brother, please refer to the “Accessory Order
Form” included separately, or visit our web site
Tape guides
Metal guides
Tape cutter
When changing the cutter unit, be sure not to
touch the cutter blade.
Keep the cutter unit in a safe place that is out of
the reach of small children.
The following accessories are available:
Tape cassettes
1/2” (12 mm)
$9.99 (SRP)
3/8” (9 mm)
$8.99 (SRP)
Black on silver
Black on gold
Black on blue
Black on green
Black on pink
Black on white M-231
Replacement cutter
TC7 $9.95 (SRP)
Carrying case 6991 $17.99
Cutter unit
Tape exit slot
Thermal print head
Rubber pinch
With the P-Touch HOME&HOBBY, you can make labels quickly and easily. Simply switch on the P-Touch, type in your text, then
print out your label. You can choose from five different text sizes, nine character styles, and seven framing settings. The text can be
printed on either one or two lines and can include accented characters and special symbols. In addition, nine preset layout formats are
available for you to type in and print out labels quickly. Six tape color (white, silver, gold, blue, green and pink) and two tape widths
(3/8” (9 mm) and 1/2” (12 mm)) are available for creating personalized labels.
Printed in China
Please read this instruction leaflet before using the P-Touch. Keep
it in a handy place for future reference.
Use only tape cassettes bearing the logo with this machine.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Op welke manier krijg ik tekst boven elkaar, onlangs werkte dit prima maar door onduidelijke reden werkt. Het niet meer. Ik kan in de gebruiksaanwijzing hier niets over vinden. Gesteld op 6-11-2023 om 07:05

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Brother P-Touch 65 print niks meer, de label blijft leeg
    Gesteld op 27-10-2023 om 15:38

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Mijn P-touch werkt niet meer. Nieuwe batterijen helpen het ongemak niet. Wat nu Gesteld op 28-11-2022 om 15:16

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • Als ik op 'Print' druk komt er 'PRINT' op display te staan maar er gebeurt niets en toestel schakelt zich uit Gesteld op 13-5-2021 om 11:41

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • In mijn beeld staat een onderstreepte 1. Wat ik ook doe ik krijg deze 1 niet weg uit het beeld .
    Invoer van een nieuwe tekst komt dan voor de 1, maar de 1 blijft in het scherm.
    Hoe krijg ik weer een blanco scherm om tekst in te voeren? Gesteld op 28-9-2020 om 16:00

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • De tekst stond altijd in het midden, nu staat hij onderaan en vind niet hoe ik dit opnieuw in het midden kan plaatsen. Iemand? Gesteld op 21-8-2019 om 13:38

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • 6
  • mijn brother labelmaker laat allemaal zwarte blokjes zien in display
    weet iem wat dat betekent Gesteld op 4-9-2018 om 08:41

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Goedemiddag,
      Na wisselen vh cassette lint (toeval of niet) heb ik dit probleem vanaf vandaag ook. Heeft iemand al gereageerd of (liefst) is er een oplossing ?
      Geantwoord op 17-6-2020 om 17:02

      Waardeer dit antwoord (6) Misbruik melden
    • Heb apparaat al lang, maar nog geen hele cassette geprint. Zet hem aan. Alles leek goed. Na aanraken eerste toets meteen alleen maar zwarte blokjes op display. Niet meer weg te krijgen wat ik ook doe. Simpele teksten kun je blind invoeren en printen, maar je ziet niets op het volledig brandende display. Tot op heden nog geen opolossingen gezien hier??? Geantwoord op 3-10-2023 om 15:00

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Brother P-Touch 65

Brother P-Touch 65 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

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