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EPP settings: View the modified EPO configuration information
A-GPS: Use auxiliary data can accelerate the GPS positioning.
A-GPS: View the modified A-GPS Settings
Screen unlock: Use design, PIN or password lock screen.
SIM card lock: Can open/close lock a SIM card and the SIM card PIN
Passwords: Enter the password can see of characters.
Device administration: Add or delete device manager.
Credential storage: Allows the application to access security vouchers and
other documents.
Install from SD card: From the SD card installed encryption certificate.
Set password: Set or modify the documents stored password.
Clear storage: Remove all of the contents of the documents stored and
reset the password.
Unknown sources: Setting is allowed to install the electronic market to
provide application.
Manage applications: Management and delete installation applications.
Running services: Check and control the currently running services.
Storage use: Check the application of storage space.
Battery use: Check the power consumption.
Development: Set the application development options, set USB
debugging, keep sensei state and allow simulation place Settings.
Accounts & sync
Background data: Applications can always synchronization, send and
receive data.
Auto-sync: Applications to be automatic synchronous data.
Factory data reset: Remove all data on mobile phones.
SD card: view SD card total space and available space.
Mount SD card: After unloading SD card SD card will not display.
Erase SD card: Remove the SD card all the data.
Internal storage: Display size available space.
Language & keyboard
Language settings: can select language and user dictionary.
Keyboard settings: choose the Android keyboard, or other input method.
Input method: Choose input method way.

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