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reaching one of the following automatically be converted to MMS. After the
preparation is complete, click "Send" will be issued to the MMS. "Write
message" interface, press the Menu button: Add subject: Edit subject.
Discard: Cancel the edit information. Insert quick text: Can choose the
quick text. Insert smiley: There are 21 kinds of expressions for selection.
Insert contact: Add contact into "people". Settings: Set message.
Touch the icon of attach, can attach many types of attachments, additional
attachment, the message is automatically converted into MMS.
The attachment types include: Photo (supports GIF, JPEG and other
formats), photographs, video (3GP, MP4 format), shooting video and
audio (support MIDI, MP3, WAV and other formats), sound recordings,
and slides. Note: At present, the mobile phone mass can only support up
to 100 recipients.
Music can play digital audio files in the phone memory card. The music
supports the following formats: AMR, M4A, MIDI, MP3, WAV, OGG.
Your phone is a product of superior design and craftsmanship and should
be used with care. The following recommendations can
help you comply with the terms of the repair kits to extend the life of the
mobile phone.
1. Mobile phones and their parts in the reach of children.
2. Phone to keep dry, rain, humidity and all types of liquid can contain
minerals that will corrode electronic circuits.
3. When charging the battery do not use wet hands to reach the phone, it
will cause electric shock, injury to person or damage to the phone.
4. Avoid put the phone in the high temperature environment. High
temperatures will shorten the life of electronic devices, damage batteries,
and distort or melt some plastic parts.
5. Avoid placing the phone in low temperature environment. When the
temperature rises inside the phone will be able to produce water vapor to
cause damage to the electronic circuit.
6. Avoid to put the phone in dusty, dirty place, or cell phone parts may be
7. Avoid phone in the vicinity of lighted cigarettes, open flame or any heat
8. Do not disassemble the phone, non-professional approach will
result in damage to the phone.
9. Do not drop, knock, or shake the phone from a height, rough
handling can damage internal circuit boards.
10. Do not paint the phone, as paint can clog the headphones,

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