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Problem What to do
Your iPod/iPhone does not dock
Make sure the dock insert is the proper fit for your iPod/iPhone model (refer to “Selecting
the correct insert” on page 5).
Remove your iPod/iPhone from the dock and check for obstructions
on the connectors in
the dock and on your iPod/iPhone. Then reseat it in the dock.
No sound Make sure the system is plugged in, your iPod/iPhone is turned on, and a music track is
ected and playing.
Press the Play/Pause button on the remote control.
Increase the volume setting fo
r the system.
Remove your iPod/iPhone from the dock, wait briefly, then reseat it. You may need to do
this a few times.
Make sure your iPod/iPhone is running compatible software (refer to “To check for iPod/
iPhone compatibility” on page 6).
No sound and your iPod/iPhone
is not charging
Make sure the power cable is securely plugged into a functioning wall outlet and the
symbol on the small connector is matched to the one on the back of the SoundDock
system. Refer to Figure 4 on page 6.
Make sure your iPod/iPhone is firmly seated in the dock.
No sound after quickly undocking or
docking your iPod/iPhone
Remove your iPod/iPhone from the dock, wait 5
seconds, and retu
rn it to the dock.
Unplug the power cable for 1 minute, then plug it ba
ck in. This resets the system.
Your iPod/iPhone does not respond
to the SoundDock
remote control
buttons shown:
Remove your iPod/iPhonefrom the dock, wait briefly, then reseat it. You may need to do
this a few times.
Try the remote from a different location. If it works there, strong lighting or other room con-
ns may be causing the problem.
Make sure nothing blocks the infrared (IR) signal path from the r
emote to your SoundDock
system. Wipe off the small lens on the front end of the remote.
Check the battery to make sure the + side is up as shown in Figure 6 on page 8.
Replace the remote control battery.
Make sure your iPod/iPhone is running compatible software (refer to “To check for iPod/
iPhone compatibility” on page 6).
Your SoundDock system does not
respond to its remote commands or
to the + and – volume buttons on
the front of the system
Unplug the power cable for 1 minute, then plug it back in. This resets the system.
Contact Bose
Customer Service about the problem.
01.SoundDock_ENG.fm Page 10 Wednesday, April 22, 2009 4:14 PM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bose sounddock original

Bose sounddock original Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Bose sounddock original Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

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