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Please read this owner’s guide.
Please take the time to follow the instructions in this
owner’s guide carefully. It will help you to properly
use your new Bose
product and enjoy its features.
Please save this owner’s guide for future reference.
The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol
within an equilateral triangle alerts the user to
the presence of uninsulated, dangerous voltage
within the system enclosure that may be of
sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of
electric shock.
The exclamation point within an equilateral
triangle alerts the user to the presence of
important operating and maintenance
instructions in this owner’s guide.
• Do not attempt to recharge the battery in temperatures
outside the range of 32°-104°F (0°-40°C).
• Keep batteries out of the reach of children and pets.
• To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock, do not
expose this product to rain or moisture. The product
shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing, and
objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall not be
placed on or near the product. As with any electronic
products, use care not to spill liquids into any part of
the product. Liquids can cause a failure and/or a fire
• After extended periods of storage, it may be necessary
to charge and discharge the battery several times to
obtain maximum performance.
• Before use, charge the battery using only the power
supply provided with the system. Refer to charging
instructions in the system owner’s guide. Do not con-
tinue charging the battery if it does not reach full charge
within the specified charging time. Overcharging may
cause the battery to become hot, rupture, or ignite.
If you see any heat deformation or leakage, properly
dispose of the battery.
• If the battery begins to leak, do not allow the liquid to
come in contact with your skin or eyes. If contact has
been made, wash the affected area with plenty of water
and seek medical advice immediately.
Do not expose the product or battery to excessive heat,
including direct sunlight or fire and storage or use inside
cars in hot weather, where it can be exposed to temper-
atures in excess of 140°F (60°C). Doing so may cause
the battery and power supply to generate heat, rupture,
or ignite. Using the product in this manner also may
result in a loss of performance and a shortened life
• If the battery is damaged and ignites, do not use
water to extinguish flames. Instead, use a functioning
fire extinguisher.
• Do not short-circuit batteries. Avoid storing them
around metal objects such as keys, pocket change,
paper clips, and jewelry.
• Do not step on, throw, or drop batteries or the power
supply or expose them to a strong shock. Do not
pierce, crush, dent, or deform the batteries or power
supply in any way. If either becomes deformed, properly
dispose of it.
• The power supply must be used indoors only. It is
neither designed nor tested for use outdoors, in
recreation vehicles, or on boats.
• Make no modifications to the product or accessories.
Unauthorized alterations may compromise safety,
regulatory compliance, and system performance.
• Where the mains plug or appliance coupler is used as
the disconnect device, such disconnect device shall
remain readily operable.
• The cells in the batteries perform best when operating
at normal room temperature, 70°F (20°C).
• We recommend replacing the SoundDock
battery with a genuine SoundDock battery from Bose
or an authorized Bose dealer. Bose cannot warrant the
safety and compatibility or assure the operability of
batteries from other manufacturers for use in operating
the SoundDock Portable system.
• DO NOT attempt to use the SoundDock battery to
power other electronics. Doing so may result in perma-
nent damage to your system and/or personal injury.
• Do not place naked flame sources, such as lighted
candles, on or near the product.
• Do not dismantle, open, or shred the battery.
• The battery is intended to be used only with the
Bose product and the power supply provided with it.
• Product labels are located on the bottom of the product
and on the battery
Please dispose of used
batteries properly, following
any local regulations. Do not
To return a system battery for recycling,
contact Bose or your Bose dealer. In the United States
only, call 1-800-905-2180 or visit the Bose website at:
For other regions, see the contact information included
in this guide.
This product conforms to all EU Directive
requirements as applicable by law. The
complete Declaration of Conformity can
be found at www.Bose.com/compliance.
SoundDock Portable.book Page ii Thursday, December 16, 2010 4:51 PM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bose SOUNDDOCK PORTABLE

Bose SOUNDDOCK PORTABLE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 14 pagina's

Bose SOUNDDOCK PORTABLE Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 14 pagina's

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