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Maintaining Your Acoustic Wave
Music System II
English Français NederlandsDeutsch Italiano
Problem What to do
System does not function Make sure the power cord is fully plugged into both the system and a live electrical outlet.
Make sure the system is fully plugged into a live AC or DC power source.
(Europe only) If connected to an AC power source, make sure the AC power switch is in the on
No sound Turn up the volume.
Press and release
Mute until –MUTE– is not flashing in the display window.
Remove the CD from the CD player and re-seat it.
Check connections for an auxiliary source.
AUX to listen to an external source connected to the AUX IN input. Make sure the external
source is plugged in and turned on.
Disconnect headphones.
FM reception is weak If you are using the telescoping antenna, make sure it is fully extended.
Try the external antenna included with your system. Refer to “Connecting an external FM
antenna” on page 16 for instructions.
AM reception is weak Adjust the internal antenna by rotating the unit slightly one way and then the other.
Move the unit farther from a TV, refrigerator, fluorescent lamps, halogen lamps, dimmer switches,
other electronic
equipment that generates electrical noise.
If neither suggestion works, you may be in an area of w
eak AM signal coverage.
Remote control is inconsis-
tent or does not work
Operate the remote control closer to the unit.
Be sure to aim the remote at the system when pressing a button.
Check f
or interference from room lighting, sunlight, or dust or dirt on lens.
Try the unit in a different location.
Check that the remote control battery is installed properly. See “Replacing th
e remote control
battery” on page 22.
Replace the remote control battery. See “Replacing the remote control battery” on page 22.
Display window is blank Make sure the system is plugged into a live AC or DC power
source, and turned on.
ake sure the system is fully plugged into a live AC or DC power source.
(Europe only) If con
nected to an AC power
source, make sure the AC power switch is in the on
The display backlight does
not stay on
If the system is operating on DC power, the backlight is normally off. Press
ing any control panel
button turns on the backlight only for a brief time.
CD does not play Check that the CD source is selected. The letters “CD” should appear in the upper left corner of
the display. If not, press CD.
Check that the CD was loaded label-side up.
Check that the disc surface is clean. If not, try cleaning it.
Check that an audio CD was loaded, not a DVD.
Try another disc.
“NO DISC” appears on the
Open the CD compartment and make sure a CD was inserted label-side up.
“DOOR OPEN” appears on
the display
Make sure the CD compartment is closed.
nking) on the display
The CD format is n
ot supported.
“TRACK [track #] ERROR”
appears on the display
p to another track and press Play, or try another CD.
CD skips Clean the CD.
Make sure the system is not getting bumped.
Move it if necessary.
AWMSOG_ENG.book Page 23 Wednesday, February 3, 2010 1:29 PM

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bose Acoustic Wave Music System II

Bose Acoustic Wave Music System II Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 28 pagina's

Bose Acoustic Wave Music System II Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 26 pagina's

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