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Contacting Customer Service
For additional help in solving problems, contact Bose
Customer Service. Refer to the
address sheet included in the carton.
Limited warranty
This system is covered by a transferable limited warranty.
Details of the limited warranty are provided on the Product Registration Card that came with
your system. Please fill out the information section on the card and mail it to Bose. However,
failure to do so will not affect your limited warranty rights.
A CD or DVD does not
play correctly
Check the disc for scratches, fingerprints, smears, or dirt. See “Protecting and caring for
your system” on page 43.
FM sound is distorted Adjust antenna position to reduce interference.
FM sound is noisy
in surround mode
Weak FM stations will produce static in the surround speakers. Select the 2-speaker mode
in the Settings menu to minimize noise. See “CD settings options” on page 37.
Sound is distorted Make sure speaker cables are not damaged and the connections are secure.
Reduce the output level from any external components connected to the media center.
No sound from
or AUX
Check the connections.
Make sure that component is turned on.
Refer to the component owner’s manual.
No video on screen,
though the TV audio
Check the TV video input selection. Make sure it is correct for the video source.
does not control
your TV, VCR,
cable/satellite box,
or other external
Make sure correct codes are set. See “Using your LIFESTYLE
remote with other compo-
nents” on page 21.
Make sure that the front of the media center is not obstructed. The IR emitter that sends
commands to your external components is below the disc tray.
If you still cannot control your external components successfully, you may need to connect
the external IR emitter, included with your system, to the IR EMITTER jack on the rear
panel of the media center. See “IR emitter cable as an option” in your Installation Guide.
Your TV turns
on and off unexpectedly
Reposition the TV on/off sensor on the back of your TV. Or check the SCART connector if
you use one.
Verify that the TV on/off sensor is working properly by choosing
TV Power Status under
Video in the System menu.
TV screen goes dark or
image flips repeatedly
after making a change
to a Video feature in
System settings
Use the media center to check the Video Format and Progressive Scan settings, following
instructions in “Component system setup using the display” on page 13.
! Video Format should be set to NTSC (U.S. standard) or PAL (European standard).
! Make sure the Progressive Scan setting is off, unless you have used a component video
connection and progressive scan is a feature of the TV.
You forgot
your password
Enter the numbers 2673 as temporary password to access the parental controls. Then
create a new password.
Problem What to do

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