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en Tested for you in our cooking studio
Keeping warm
You can keep cooked dishes warm using the "Keeping
warm" heating type. You can use the various moisture
levels to prevent the cooked dishes from drying out.
Do not cover the food.
Do not keep cooked dishes warm for longer than two
hours. Be aware that some dishes may continue
cooking whilst being kept warm. Do not cover the food.
The various steam levels are suitable for keeping the
following foods warm:
Level 1: Roasted joints and pan-fried foods
Level 2: Bakes and side dishes
Level 3: Stews and soups
Test dishes
These tables have been produced for test institutes to
facilitate the inspection of the appliance.
In accordance with EN 60350-1:2013 and
IEC 60350-1:2011.
Baked items that are placed into the oven on trays or in
baking tins/dishes at the same time will not necessarily
be ready at the same time.
Shelf positions for baking on two levels:
Universal pan: Level 3
Baking tray: Level 1
Double-crusted apple pie
Double- crusted apple pie on one level: place dark-
coloured springform cake tins diagonally next to each
Cakes in tinplate springform cake tins: bake on one
level with top/bottom heating. Place the springform
cake tin onto the universal pan instead of onto the wire
The setting values apply to dishes placed into a cold
cooking compartment.
Please note the information in the tables about
preheating. The setting values are valid without rapid
For baking, use the lower of the indicated
temperatures first.
Types of heating used:
< 4D hot air
% Top/bottom heating
$ Pizza setting
& Intensive heat
The levels of steam intensity are indicated as numbers
in the table:
1 = Low
2 = Medium
3 = High
Baked goods, frozen
Pizza, cooked Wire rack 1 U 170-180* 5-15
Bread rolls, baguette, baked Wire rack 1 U 160-170* 10-20
Dish Accessories/cookware Shelf posi-
Type of
ture in °C
time in
* Preheat
Dish Accessories/cookware Shelf posi-
Type of
ture in °C
Steam in-
time in
Whirls Baking tray 1 % 150-160* - 25-40
Whirls Baking tray 1 < 140-150* - 25-35
Whirls, 2 levels Universal pan + baking tray 3+1 < 140-150* - 30-40
Small cakes Baking tray 1 % 160* - 25-35
Small cakes Baking tray 1 < 150* - 25-35
Small cakes, 2 levels Universal pan + baking tray 3+1 < 150* - 25-35
Hot water sponge cake Springform cake tin, diameter 26 cm 1 % 160-170** - 25-35
Hot water sponge cake Springform cake tin, diameter 26 cm 1 < 160-170** - 25-35
* Preheat for 5 mins, do not use quick heat function
** Preheat, do not use quick heat function

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bosch CSG656RB1

Bosch CSG656RB1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 68 pagina's

Bosch CSG656RB1 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 72 pagina's

Bosch CSG656RB1 Installatiehandleiding - Alle talen - 16 pagina's

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