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English - 4
Remove stones, loose pieces of wood and
other objects from the cutting area.
The cutting line continues to rotate for a few sec-
onds after the trimmer is switched off. Allow the
motor/cutting line to stop rotating before switch-
ing on again.
Do not rapidly switch off and on.
Switching On and Off
Press switch 1 and hold depressed. Release
switch 1 for switching off.
Cutting Grass
Move the trimmer left and right, keeping it well away
from the body.
The trimmer can efficiently cut grass up to a height
of 15 cm. Cut taller grass in stages.
Remove the wheels when cutting long grass
(ART 30/3000 COMBITRIM only).
Cutting Very Long Grass/Weeds
The product is supplied with Extra Strong Line and a
fixing spool, fit as described in spool maintenance.
Fitting the Extra Strong Line for very long tough con-
ditions will improve the performance and give better
Trimming Edges
Guide the trimmer along the edge of the lawn. Do not
allow the cutting line to contact paved surfaces,
stones or garden walls, since this will wear the line
For better control use the plant protector 9
(ART 30/3000 COMBITRIM only available as an
accessory for ART 23/26/2300/2600 COMBITRIM)
as a guide.
Cutting Around Trees and Bushes
Carefully cut around trees and bushes so that they
do not come into contact with the cutting line.
Plants can die if you damage the bark.
For better control use adjustable handle and use the
plant protector 9 (ART 30/3000 COMBITRIM only
available as an accessory for ART 23/26/2300/2600
Do not feed and cut off excess line in edg-
ing position (see figure J). Feed button 20
may become hot.
The rotating line can wear or break. You will notice
when the motor runs without load and no grass is
While operating the trimmer press the ground or
a solid surface, then release (necessary pressure
approx. 3 kg). This action will allow the feed but-
ton 20 to release the line out. The spool will release
approx. 4 cm of line per action.
When the line breaks off completely, feed twice to
regain the full cutting circle.
If the line is exceeding the maximum cutting cir-
cle it will be cut by the blade 24 integrated in the cut-
ting guard 10.
Stop and remove plug from the power sup-
Note: To ensure long and reliable service, carry out
the following maintenance regularly.
Regularly check for obvious defects such as loose
fixings, and worn or damaged components.
Check that covers and guards are undamaged and
correctly fitted. Carry out necessary maintenance or
repairs before using.
If the trimmer should happen to fail despite the care
taken in manufacture and testing, repair should be
carried out by an authorized customer service agent
for Bosch garden products.
For all correspondence and spare parts orders, al-
ways include the 10-digit part number (TYP) from
the nameplate of the machine!
Stop and remove plug from the power sup-
Replacing the Line Spool
Hold the spool plate 23 in position.
Turn the spool cover 21 counter-clockwise and re-
Take the empty spool 25 out from the spool cover.
Thread the line of the new/refilled spool through the
eyehole 22 and place the spool in the spool
cover 21.
Pull approx. 9 cm of line out of the spool.
Place spool with cover 21 on the spool plate in the
correct position (bayonet fastening), press down and
turn fully clockwise (click).
Fitting Extra Strong Line Spool
Hold the spool plate 23 in position.
Turn the spool cover 21 counter-clockwise and re-
Cutting and Edging
Feeding the Line
Spool Maintenance
F 016 L70 621.book Seite 4 Montag, 30. November 2009 3:03 15
18 F 016 L70 621 09.11

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  • Het snoeidraad van mijn Bosch art 23 combitrim is na enkele sec. gebruik (in gewoon gras!) alweer te kort, wat kan er aan de hand zijn? Gesteld op 18-4-2020 om 15:30

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  • waar vind ik een beschrijving voor het vervangen van de draadspoel ?

    Gesteld op 19-9-2016 om 10:41

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    • Had ook het zelfde probleem. Nu lukt het probleemloos. Bedoeling is dat het pijltje op de spoel terug gedraaid wordt (dus naar links) tot aan het pijltje op het onderste gedeelte. Plaats gewoon een schroevendraaier horizontaal tussen de schroeven onderaan het onderste gedeelte zodat het onderste stuk geblokkeerd wordt. Nu kan je vrij gemakkelijk de spoel terug draaien. Geantwoord op 8-5-2017 om 11:13

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