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English - 3
Electrical Safety
Your machine is double insulated for safety and re-
quires no earth connection. The operating voltage is
230 V AC, 50 Hz (for non-EU countries 220 V,
240 V as applicable). Only use approved extension
cables. Contact your Bosch Service Center for de-
It is recommended for increased electrical safety to
use a Residual Current Device (RCD) with a tripping
current of not more than 30 mA. Always check your
RCD every time you use it.
WARNING: For safety, it is essential that the mains
plug 15 attached to the machine is fitted to the power
supply cable 17.
The couplings of connection leads must be pro-
tected against splashes and the coupling sockets on
the leads must be made of rubber or coated with rub-
Fixing means for the connection leads must be used.
The connection lead must be inspected for signs of
damage at regular intervals and may only be used if
in perfect condition.
If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by
a Bosch Service Centre.
Extension cords/leads should only be used if they
comply with H05VV-F or H05RN-F types.
Products sold in GB only: Your machine is fitted with
an approved 13 A (BS 1363/A) electric plug and is
protected by a 13 A fuse (ASTA Approved to
BS 1362).
If the fitted plug is not suitable for your socket out-
lets, it should be cut off and an appropriate plug fitted
in its place by an authorized customer service agent.
The severed plug must be disposed of to avoid a
possible shock hazard and should never be inserted
into a 13 A socket elsewhere.
Do not connect the machine to the mains
socket before it is completely assembled.
Mounting the Cutting Guard
Place the cutting guard 10 on the trimmer head 7.
Hook the guard onto trimmer head and push until
secure fitting.
Push rear of guard until secure (click).
Mounting the Wheels
(ART 30/3000 COMBITRIM only)
Fit the wheels 11 onto the shaft 6.
Fit the bolt 19 and the wingnut 18.
Note: The position of the wheels can be adjusted by
loosening the wingnut 18 and moving to the desired
The wheels can be moved up and down the
shaft 6 depending on the height of cut required.
Using Adjustable Handle
The adjustable handle 4 can be set in various posi-
To change the position undo the handle wing
nut 3 and move the adjustable handle 4.
Tighten the handle wing nut 3 securely to fix the
adjustable handle 4 in the adjusted position.
Adjusting Product Length
Loosen the adjustment collar 5 90°.
Pull the shaft out to increase the height, or push
the shaft in to decrease the height. Re-tighten ad-
justment collar 5.
Adjusting cutting head angle:
To change the angle depress the foot pedal 12 and
move the shaft 6 to the desired position.
Release the foot pedal 12.
Adjusting for Edging Mode
Moving wheels (where fitted):
Loosen wingnut 18.
Twist wheels 11 90° as shown.
Tighten wingnut 18.
Adjusting cutting head angle:
Depress the foot pedal 12.
Move the shaft 6 to the lowest position. Release
the foot pedal 12.
Move trimmer head:
Loosen the adjustment collar 5.
Turn the shaft 6 90° to position the trimmer
head 7 for trimming/edging as shown. Re-tighten
adjustment collar 5.
For Your Safety
Warning! Switch off, remove plug from mains
before adjusting, cleaning or if cable is cut,
damaged or entangled.
The cutting line continues to rotate for a few
seconds after the trimmer is switched off.
Caution do not touch rotating cutting line.
F 016 L70 621.book Seite 3 Montag, 30. November 2009 3:03 15
17 F 016 L70 621 09.11

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  • Het snoeidraad van mijn Bosch art 23 combitrim is na enkele sec. gebruik (in gewoon gras!) alweer te kort, wat kan er aan de hand zijn? Gesteld op 18-4-2020 om 15:30

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • waar vind ik een beschrijving voor het vervangen van de draadspoel ?

    Gesteld op 19-9-2016 om 10:41

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Had ook het zelfde probleem. Nu lukt het probleemloos. Bedoeling is dat het pijltje op de spoel terug gedraaid wordt (dus naar links) tot aan het pijltje op het onderste gedeelte. Plaats gewoon een schroevendraaier horizontaal tussen de schroeven onderaan het onderste gedeelte zodat het onderste stuk geblokkeerd wordt. Nu kan je vrij gemakkelijk de spoel terug draaien. Geantwoord op 8-5-2017 om 11:13

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