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Warranty subject to the following conditions and
- Boretti warrants its products to the origi-
nal purchaser only (NO EXCEPTIONS)
- This warranty does not cover any damage
caused by misuse, lack of maintenance,
hostile environments, accident, alterations,
abuse or neglect, and parts installed by
other manufacturers will nullify the war-
- This warranty does not cover scratches,
dents, corrosion, or discoloring by heat (all
stainless steel will discolor), abrasive and
chemical cleaners will also damage grill and
grill surface.
- Should deterioration occur to the point of
non-performance within the duration of
the warranted coverage, a free of charge
replacement will be provided in the rst 2
years only. This warranty extends to the
repair or replacement of warranted parts
that are defective in materials or workman-
ship provided that the product has been
operated in accordance with the operation
instructions and under normal conditions.
- A licensed, authorized, service technician
or contractor must install the gas grill. In-
stallation must be done in accordance with
the installation instructions included with
the product.
- The bill of sale and proof of original own-
ership and serial number will be required
when making any warranty claims.
- Boretti reserves the right to inspect any
parts prior to approving warranty claim.
Closely follow the instructions set out in this
All responsibility, for any eventual inconven-
iences, damages or fires caused by not com-
plying with the instructions in this manual, is
Should you wish to discard the appliance for any
reason, please comply with the following: Take
the machine to the local authorized company
that collects discarded household appliances.
Correct processing enable valuable materials
to be recycled in an intelligent manner. Before
discarding your machine it is important that
you cut off the power supply cord and remove it
together with the plug. This machine has been
accorded the appropriate mark in accordance
with European Directive 2002/96EG regarding
discarded electric and electronic equipment.
This directive determines the standards for
the collection and recycling of discarded equip-
ment that apply to the entire territory of the
European Union.
Environmental Regulations

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