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In order to leave the adjustment mode press the PROG button once or wait for
10 seconds.
1. Continue as described under Operation for models without a timer items
1 to 6. Press the ON/OFF button once. The red RUN light (for immediate perco-
lation) illuminates and the device is switched on. If you have programmed the
device, press the ON/OFF button twice. The green LED lights up next to AUTO
(automatic). The device switches itself on at the set time (the red light is on).
2. The unit switches itself off automatically about two hours after the brewing.
3. The unit is switched off when both LEDs are off.
4. If you wish to switch the unit off manually or to deactivate the timer, press the
ON/OFF button repeatedly until both LEDs go out.
Descaling is necessary when the time needed to prepare coffee becomes con-
siderably longer.
Only commercially available descaling products based on citric acid should be
Before cleaning the machine you should always remove the mains lead and
wait until the machine has cooled down. The machine should only be cleaned
with a slightly damp cloth.
Do not use any strong detergents or solvents for cleaning. The coffee pot and
the filter pad should be cleaned by rinsing in cold water.
This device has been tested according to all relevant current CE guidelines,
such as electromagnetic compatibility and low voltage directives, and has been
constructed in accordance with the latest safety regulations.
Subject to technical changes without prior notice!
The device supplied by our Company is covered by a 24 month guarantee starting
on the date of purchase (receipt).
During the life of the guarantee any fault of the device or its accessories *) ascriba-
ble to material or manufacturing defects will be eliminated free of charge by repai-
ring or, at our discretion, by replacing it. The guarantee services do not entail an
extension of the life of the guarantee nor do they give rise to any right to a new
5....-05-CB 147_CB 148 12.12.2002 8:34 Uhr Seite 32

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