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The prime objectives of component speaker mounting are:
Positioning the speakers correctly.
Mounting them to a solid surface
Making sure there are no air leaks between the front and back of the woofers cone
Protecting the speakers
Ensuring the wiring is correct
The lower the frequencies a speaker reproduces, the more solid it´s mounting surface must be.
This is necessary because a vibrating panel winds up acting like another loudspeaker and introduces
its own sound into the car. This secondary sound can severely degrade the sound of the music yielding
a ”muffled“ or ”howling“ sound at certain listening levels. A good air seal isolating the sound from the
back of the speaker from the front wave sound is critical. Lack of a good air seal reduces the bass
response and often creates a ”hollow“ sound from the woofer .
The tweeter´s mounting is not nearly so critical since it does not require a rear air seal and it vibrates
very little.
Speaker wiring must be isolated from the electrical system of the car and routed away from any factory
systems to avoid potential noise pickup. Use braided wire with 2.5 to 4 mm
cable cross section.
Most of today´s newer cars have speaker grilles which blend in aesthetically with the interior of the car.
The grille is usually held in with small screws or spring clips. To remove a clipped on grille, gently pry
up on the side with a flat blade screwdriver. (Some grilles are an integral part of the door such that the
entire door panel must be removed to expose the speaker.) Once the factory speaker is exposed,
remove the hardware and replace the factory unit with the new Blaupunkt Velocity-Series unit.
Rear deck or sail panel installations are easily accommodated with these speakers since the woofers
can often drop into factory holes or may require a simple adaptor plate which can be purchased or
formed from wood.
The biggest advantage of Blaupunkt Velocity-Series component speakers is their ability, when
properly installed, to provide a tonally accurate sound with a wide sound stage but pinpoint localisation
of performers. The largest impact over this sound stage is provided by the tweeter location. To
determine this optimal location we recommend a simple experiment.
1. Complete all of the installation except for the tweeters (i.e., woofers, crossover and wiring).
2. Have a friend sit in the passenger´s seat while you sit in the driver´s seat, each holding a Velocity
tweeter up to the door.
3. With music having good high frequency content, move the tweeters around listening for the best
high frequency response yet maintaining a good left/right acoustical balance in the car.
Mounting the tweeters mid level and as far forward in the door panel is often the best acoustical
location in most cars. In most cases, the preferred location usually has the tweeters facing the
opposite occupant in the car.
4. Enjoy the music, with good tonal balance and good staging in your car.

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