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(Original instructions)
Steam cleaning
u Place a cleaning pad (6) on the oor with the ‘hook & loop’
side facing up.
u Raise the steam mop off the resting mat (7) and lightly
press it down onto the cleaning pad (6).
u Place the steam mop on the resting mat.
u Connect the steam mop to the mains.
u Turn the Autoselect
dial (2) to the required setting.
u Press the ON/OFF button (1). It takes approximately 15
seconds for the steam mop to heat up.
u Pulling the handle (4) back will activate the steam pump.
After a few seconds steam will start to come out of the
steam head.
u It take a few seconds for steam to enter the cleaning pad.
The steam mop will now glide easily over the surface to be
u Push and pull the steam mop slowly across the oor to
thoroughly steam clean each section.
Note: During use you may turn off the steam pump by return-
ing the handle to the upright position, this convenient feature
will allow you to place the steam mop on the resting mat for
a short time so that you may move items of furniture, then
continue cleaning without the need to switch the appliance off.
u When you have nished using the steam mop, return the
handle (4) to the upright position and turn it ‘OFF’, place it
on the resting mat (7) and wait until the steam mop cools
down. (approximately ve minutes)
Caution! It is important to monitor the water level in the water
tank. To rell the water tank and continue to sanitise/clean,
return the handle (4) to the upright position and turn the steam
mop ‘OFF’. Unplug the unit from the electrical wall outlet and
rell the water tank (3) using the jug (9) supplied.
Caution! Never leave the steam mop in one spot on any
surface for any period of time. Always place the steam mop on
the resting mat (7) with the handle (4) in the upright position
when stationary and make sure the steam mop is turned off
when not in use.
Carpet refreshing
u Place a cleaning pad (6) on the oor with the ‘hook & loop’
side facing up.
u Raise the steam mop off the resting mat (7) and lightly
press it down onto the cleaning pad (6).
u Place the carpet glider (8) on the oor.
u Lightly press the steam mop down onto the carpet glider
(8) until it clicks into place.
u Place the steam mop on the resting mat. (7)
u Connect the steam mop to the mains.
u Turn the Autoselect
dial (2) to the Wood/Laminate set-
u Press the ON/OFF button (1). It takes approximately 15
seconds for the steam mop to heat up.
u Pulling the handle (4) back will activate the steam pump.
After a few seconds steam will start to come out of the
steam head.
u Push and pull the steam mop slowly across the carpet to
thoroughly refresh each section.
Note: During use you may turn of the steam pump by return-
ing the handle (4) to the upright position, this convenient
feature will allow you to place the steam mop on the resting
mat (7) so that you may move items of furniture with out the
need to switch the appliance off.
u When you have nished using the steam mop, return the
handle (4) to the upright position and turn it ‘OFF’, place it
on the resting mat (7) and wait until the steam mop cools
down. (approximately ve minutes)
Caution! It is important to monitor the water level in the water
tank. To rell the water tank and continue to sanitise/clean,
return the handle (4) to the upright position and turn the steam
mop ‘OFF’. Unplug the unit from the electrical wall outlet and
rell the water tank using the jug supplied.
Caution! Never leave the steam mop in one spot on any
surface for any period of time. Always place the steam mop on
the resting mat (7) with the handle (4) in the upright position
when stationary and make sure the steam mop is turned off
when not in use.
After use (Fig. K & L)
u Return the handle (4) to the upright position and turn the
steam mop ‘OFF’,
u Place the steam mop on the resting mat (7) and wait until
the steam mop cools down. (approximately ve minutes)
u Unplug the steam mop from the electrical wall outlet.
u Empty the water tank (3).
u Remove the cleaning pad (6) and wash it ready for next
use. (Take care to follow the wash care instructions
printed on the cleaning pad).
u Wrap the supply cable around the cable tidy hooks (18 &
Note: The top cable tidy hook (19) rotates to easily release
the cable ready for next use.
u Clip the supply cable into the cable tidy clip (20) close to
the plug.
u Place steam mop on the resting mat (7) for storage.
Note: With the handle (4) in the upright position, the cable
neatly wrapped around the cable tidy hooks (18 & 19) and
secured in the cable tidy clip (20) your steam mop will stand
on its own for storage. Alternatively there is a hanging bracket
(21) built into the hand grip (10) which will allow your steam
mop to be hung from a suitable hook on the wall. Always
ensure that your wall hook is capable of supporting the weight
of the steam mop safely.

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