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Intended use
Your Black & Decker power inverter is designed to convert
direct current (dc) to alternating current (ac). It allows the
12 Vdc current in an automobile to supply ac power to
operate equipment that is normally supplied from a mains
power source. This product is intended for consumer use
Safety instructions
Warning! When using battery-powered appliances, basic
safety precautions, including the following, should always be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, personal
injury and material damage.
X Read all of this manual carefully before using the
X The intended use is described in this manual. The use
of any accessory or attachment or the performance of
any operation with this appliance other than those
recommended in this instruction manual may present a
risk of personal injury.
X Retain this manual for future reference.
Using your appliance
Always take care when using the appliance.
X This appliance is not intended for use by young or in firm
persons without supervision.
X The appliance is not to be used as a toy.
X Use in a dry location only. Do not allow the appliance to
become wet.
X Do not immerse the appliance in water.
X Do not open body casing. There are no user serviceable
parts inside.
X Do not operate the appliance in explosive atmospheres,
such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases or
X To reduce the risk of damage to plugs and cords never
pull the cable to remove the plug from a socket outlet.
After use
X When not in use, the appliance should be stored in a
dry, well ventilated place out of the reach of children.
X Children should not have access to stored appliances.
X When the appliance is stored or transported in a vehicle
it should be placed in the boot or restrained to prevent
movement following sudden changes in speed or
X The appliance should be protected from direct sunlight,
heat and moisture.
Inspection and repairs
X Before use, check the appliance for damaged or
defective parts. Check for breakage of parts, damage to
switches and any other conditions that may affect its
X Do not use the appliance if any part is damaged or
X Have any damaged or defective parts repaired or
replaced by an authorised repair agent.
X Never attempt to remove or replace any parts other than
those specified in this manual.
Specific safety instructions for power inverters
Warning! This appliance converts power from 12 Vdc
battery to 230 Vac mains supply voltage. Take precautions,
including the following, to avoid the risk of electric shock.
X Only connect a plug fitted to the supply cord of an
appliance to the inverter.
X Never connect an appliance by modifying the plug or by
using an adaptor.
X Never connect an appliance that is damaged or
X Never connect the inverter to the mains supply or to the
output of another inverter.
- The inverter cannot convert the mains supply to a dc
- The inverter cannot be used to supplement the mains
X Disconnect the 12 Vdc accessory plug or the battery
clamps from the power source and remove the
appliance plug from the inverter before performing any
maintenance or before cleaning the appliance.
X Do not cover the inverter. Only use in well ventilated
X Do not open the inverter, there are no serviceable parts
inside. Do not probe the inverter.
X Check that connections to the dc supply are clean and
secure. Loose connectors may cause overheated wires
and melted insulation.
X Check to make sure you have not reversed the polarity.
X Do not install in engine compartments.
X Do not use the inverter to supply any medical devices.
1. LED indicators
2. On/Off switch
3. Terminals
4. Battery clamps
5. 12 Vdc accessory plug (not BDPC750)
6. USB port
7. Mains socket

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Andere handleiding(en) van Black Decker BDPC400

Black Decker BDPC400 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 12 pagina's

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