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Unpacking your phone
Corded Telephone
1. Where to find it
2. Installation
1. Locating the Base unit
The Base unit should be placed on a level surface, in a position where:
the telephone line cable will reach your telephone line socket or
extension socket.
it is not close to a sink, bath or shower, or anywhere else where
it is not close to other electrical equipment - fridges, washing
machines, microwave ovens, TVs, fluorescent lights, etc.
4. Plug one end of the telephone line cord into the socket in the back
Lift the Handset and check for Dial tone
in the earpiece.
Always use the
telephone line
cord supplied
with your
Other telephone
line cords may
not work.
2. Installation
it might get wet.
Making a
Press the SPEAKERPHONE button,
2 Dial the telephone number you wish to call.
To end the call,press the SPEAKERPHONE
To answer a
4. Telephone Operation
In the box you will find:
x Base Unit
x Handset
x Coiled Handset cord
x Telephone li ne cord
for Base unit
x User manual
Keep the packing
materials in a safe
place in case you later
need to transport
Keep your sales (till)
receipt, which is your
the unit.
3. Desk/W
2. Installation
3. Wall mount installation
BE CAREFUL to check that there are no wires or pipes hidden in the wall.
Hang the base unit on the screws using the wall mount slots.
You may need to remove the telephone from the wall and tighten the screws so
cradle with the
parking hook on the cradle
arranged to fit in the
parking recess
that the cradle is securely fixed and does not wobble
. Place the Handset on the
When the phone rings;
Press the
button to
answer call.
PB10 phone.
1. Number / photo memory button
2. VOL-(volume-)/STORE button
3. Speakerphone( ) button
- This flashes
when the phone is ringing
To Modular
Wall Jack
6. Ringer ON/OFF( )button
Wall mount
To place the PB10 phone on a wall,
on the wall that are
centers as
mark two
apart to lay the fixing
shown below
During a call;
Adjust the volume of the speakerphone to the
volume button located at the
left and right side of the speakerphone button.
Press the SPEAKERPHONE button on the
Base unit.
The IN USE light indicator will
To end a call
turn OFF.
To adjust the
4. IN USE/RINGER( )-in Use /ringer light
the phone is on a call.
of the base unit, and plug the other end into a modular wall jack.
under the earpiece on the Handset.
high or low volume level using the
Fix two screws (7mm head screws required, not supplied)
approximately 7mm
at the marked locations,
between the wall and the screw head.
Listen for a dial tone.
If you have a
Broadband line
If you connect your telephone to
insert a micro-filter between the
otherwise you may get
interference between the telephone and the broadband,
which could cause problems.
a line with a broadband
connection, you will need to
In a home with broadband, every telephone must have a micro-filter connected,
not just the one at the telephone point that your modem is connected to.
If you need more broadband micro-filters, contact your broadband supplier.
telephone and the telephone line,
- This is on when
for an incoming call.
5. VOL+(volume+)/PAUSE button
Or Visit Our Website:
WWW.binatonetelecom .com

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