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This rack is designed to attach securely to most automobiles. It is your
responsibility to ensure the safe and proper use of this product.
Some vehicles cannot safely accept any rear deck rack. If your
car has a severely curved trunk or hatch lid, the strap hooks may slide
to the side, causing your carrier and bicycles to fall from your vehicle.
If your car’s trunk or hatch is severely curved at the top, do not
use this product!
Improper attachment or misuse of this rack may be hazardous and may
result in damage to your bicycles, vehicle, or vehicles driving behind you
as a result of colliding with or trying to avoid the fallen bicycles and rack.
It is your responsibility to use your best discretion while installing
this carrier to ensure that you do not damage your vehicle.
1. Some trunk or hatch lids may not be able to accept the hooks that
hold the rack on to your vehicle. Test the hook fit by sliding the hooks
along the hatch or trunk edge, prior to tightening straps.
2. Many vehicles of all types use lighter weight materials in the trunk or
hatch area. Make sure that when installing and loading the carrier you
do not dent your vehicle!
1. Always secure your bicycles to the rack using the cradles and straps
– preferably with additional cable lock, rope, or additional shock
cords. The individual cradles offer solid mounting, but should be
supplemented for safety.
2. NEVER drive off pavement with a loaded carrier.
3. Some cars sit low to the ground – especially when loaded down with
gear and people. Use extra caution when entering or exiting driveways
to avoid damaging the bike wheels.
4. DO NOT let bicycle tires hang near the exhaust pipe. Hot exhaust will
melt and destroy tires.
5. If a strap appears worn or frayed, REPLACE IT! Worn straps are
dangerous. Replacement parts are available from our customer
service department. (1-800-456-BELL)
6. Maximum rack load ranges from two bikes/66lbs.(7016045,
7020148) to three bikes/100lbs (7016046, 7020149).
7. INSPECT AND CHECK your rack’s straps after loading – the weight
of the bicycles may cause the straps to loosen.
8. CHECK STRAPS at regular intervals during use, more frequently on
bumpy roads, and immediately if the bicycles shift position.
9. ALWAYS make sure bicycle frame rests on the support arms. Never
hang bicycles from below the arms on the cradles.
10. Cleaning bicycle support arms helps give the cradles optimum grip.
Clean with soap and water only and rinse/dry thoroughly. Do not use
solvents as they may weaken straps and cradles.
11. Never leave unlocked bikes unattended. Thieves are quick! Secure
your bikes to the rack using a cable lock or other visible theft deterrent.
BELL offers an excellent range of bicycle locks that are portable,
effective, and durable.

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