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Dear customer,
In buying this device you have chosen a quality product
made by Belgacom. Their device fulfils the most varied re-
quirements for private use or in your office and business
Your device is delivered with an already inserted free ink
film for a few test pages. For this film, you do not require
any Plug’n’Print card (= chip card with information re-
garding ink film capacity).
Telephone book
In the telephone book of your machine, you can save en-
tries with multiple numbers and collect multiple entries
into groups. You can assign various ring tones to the en-
Short Dialling
You can assign short dial numbers to frequently dialled tel-
ephone numbers. The numeric keys help you to call these
numbers quickly.
The cordless telephone is provided with its own telephone
book. With the cordless telephone you can send and read
SMS messages. You can hear messages on the answering
machine of the device and record new outgoing messages.
You can individually set ringer tones and notification
tones, wallpaper and menu colours of the cordless tele-
phone. Additional functions such as alarms, timer, birth-
day reminder or a room monitoring function are also avail-
able to you. You can register up to five cordless telephones
with your device.
The built-in answering machine stores up to 30 minutes of
messages. You can record internal and external voice mes-
sages (= memos). Using remote message retrieval, you can
call new messages from each telephone. With the VIP
code, callers can also reach you even while the answering
machine is switched on.
You can send fax messages in different resolutions to one
or more recipients or a group. You can also poll faxes and
prepare documents for polling.
Fax Templates
Five fax templates, which you can use, are stored in your
device. With these templates you can quickly create, for ex-
ample, a short fax note or an invitation.
Select the resolution for text and photo in order to copy
documents with your machine. You can also create multi-
ple copies.
You can send SMS messages with your device.
If you want, your device can print Sudoku puzzles in four
different difficulty levels with solution.
We hope you enjoy your machine and its many functions!
About this User Manual
With the installation guide on the following pages, you can
start using your machine quickly and easily. Detailed de-
scriptions can be found in the following sections of this
user manual.
Read the entire user manual carefully. Follow all safety in-
structions in order to ensure proper operation of your ma-
chine. The manufacturer accepts no liability if these in-
structions are not followed.
Symbols Used
Warns about dangers for people, damage to the ma-
chine or other objects as well as possible loss of data.
Injuries or damage can result from improper han-
This symbol designates tips that will help you to use
your machine more effectively and easily.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Belgacom belgafax 180 ts

Belgacom belgafax 180 ts Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 52 pagina's

Uw handleiding is per email verstuurd. Controleer uw email

Als u niet binnen een kwartier uw email met handleiding ontvangen heeft, kan het zijn dat u een verkeerd emailadres heeft ingevuld of dat uw emailprovider een maximum grootte per email heeft ingesteld die kleiner is dan de grootte van de handleiding.

Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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