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Cooktop not working
When pressing the control buttons, did you follow
the instructions in the section “Using the hob” in
the enclosed “Product Description Sheet”?
Is there perhaps a power failure?
Did you dry the hob carefully after cleaning it?
1. If a cooking zone has been selected and an “F” or an
“ER” appear on the display followed by a number,
contact the After Sales Service and inform them.
- With the exception of the message “F03” or
ER03that identifies the incorrect cleaning of
the controls area.
- To solve the problem follow the instruction in
the ICleaning and maintenance of the glass-
ceramic hobI paragraph.
2. If the hob does not work following intensive use,
the hob internal temperature is too high. Wait a
few minutes until the hob cools down.
Before contacting After Sales Service
1. Try to solve the problem (see “Troubleshooting
2. Turn off the appliance and restart it to see if the
fault is repeated.
If after the above checks the fault still occurs, get in
touch with the nearest After Sales Service.
Please give: a short description of the fault,
the precise type and model of the appliances,
the service number (the number after the word
“Service” on the data plate), located under the hob or
on the Product Description Sheet.
your complete address and phone number.
If any repairs are required, please contact an
authorized After-sales Service as indicated in the
In the unlikely event that an operation or repair is
carried out by an unauthorised technician, always
request a certification of the job carried out and insist
on the use of original spare parts.
Failure to comply with these instructions may
compromise the safety and quality of the product.
Clean the cooktop, when it is cool, after each use. This will
prevent the build-up of dirt and make cleaning easier.
Important: avoid the use of high pressure water or steam cleaning
Use a clean cloth, absorbent kitchen wipes and washing up
liquid or a specific glass ceramic cleaner.
Remove baked-on dirt with the special scraper tool
(if provided) and specific cleaning products.
Food spills should be cleaned off before they bake onto the
glass ceramic surface.
Foods with high sugar content (toffee, fruit juice, jam, etc.)
that boil over while cooking, or spattered sugar stains must be
immediately removed using a scraper.
Do not use abrasive products, bleach, oven-cleaner spray or
pan scourers.
The cooktop should be treated periodically with a proprietary
brand of protective wax for glass-ceramic hobs.

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Zoeken resetten

  • Mijn kookplaat werkt alleen aan de linkerkant, alle bedieningsknoppen werken correct, maar de twee kookzones aan de rechterkant blijven koud. Heb het meerdere keren geprobeerd, ze blijven koud. Wat wel apart is, wanneer ik de kookzones uit zet staat er wel de "H" in het display, terwijl de kookzones niet warm geworden zijn. Misschien een zekering defect? Gesteld op 10-9-2020 om 12:59

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
  • erro code 22 bij het aanzetten EDPS 6640 IN

    Keramische kookplaat Gesteld op 24-6-2012 om 10:27

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • Heeft u al een antwoord op uw error code 22?
      Ik heb precies hetzelfde.
      Hoop wat van u te horen.


      joey.wolters@hotmail.nl Geantwoord op 21-1-2013 om 22:36

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht edps 6640 in

Bauknecht edps 6640 in Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht edps 6640 in Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht edps 6640 in Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 8 pagina's

Bauknecht edps 6640 in Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht edps 6640 in Snelstart handleiding - English - 4 pagina's

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