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This manual and the appliance itself provide important safety messages, to be read and observed at all times.
All Safety messages will tell you what the potential hazard is, tell you how to reduce the chance of injury, and tell you what
can happen if the instructions are not followed.
- The appliance must be disconnected from the power supply before carrying out any installation work.
- Installation and maintenance must be carried out by a qualified technician, in compliance with the manufacturers
instructions and local safety regulations. Do not repair or replace any part of the appliance unless specifically stated in
the user manual.
- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this appliance.
The electrical and gas connections must comply with local regulations.
- When the hob is installed, provide a multi-pole circuit breaker with a contact separation of at least 3 mm, that provides
full disconnection.
- Regulations require that the appliance is grounded.
- The power cable must be long enough for connecting the appliance, once fitted in its housing, to the power supply.
- Use only flexible or rigid metal hose for gas connection.
- If necessary, the electrical power cable must be replaced exclusively with a power cable having identical characteristics
to the original supplied by manufacturer (type H05V2V2-F 90°C or H05RR-F). This operation must be performed by a
qualified electrician.
- The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any injury to persons or animals or damage to property arising from
failure to comply with these requirements.
- Do not use multiple plug adapters or extension cords.
- Do not pull the power supply cord in order to unplug the appliance.
- The electrical components must not be accessible to the user after installation.
- Do not touch the appliance with any wet part of the body and do not operate it when barefoot.
- This hob (class 3) is designed solely for private household use for cooking food. Do not use this appliance as a space
heater to heat or warm the room. Doing so may result in carbon monoxide poisoning and overheating of the hob.
The Manufacturer declines all responsibility for inappropriate use or incorrect setting of the controls.
- The appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capabilities, or with lack of experience and knowledge of the appliance, unless supervised or previously instructed in its
use by those responsible for their safety.
- Young children should be kept away from the appliance and supervised to ensure that they do not play with it.
- The use of a gas appliance produces heat and humidity in the room. Make sure the room is well-ventilated, or install an
extractor hood with exhaust duct.
- In case of prolonged use, additional ventilation may be necessary (by opening a window or increasing the hood
extraction speed).
- After use, make sure the knobs are in off position and close the main gas supply cock or the gas cylinder valve.
- Overheated oils and fats catch fire easily. Always remain vigilant when cooking foods rich in fat, oil or alcohol (e.g. rum,
cognac, wine).
- Keep the packaging materials out of the reach of children.
- Before cleaning or maintenance wait for hob to cool down.
- These instructions are valid only for those countries whose symbol is shown on the rating plate (under cooktop).
- This product is not intended to be installed and operated outdoors.
After unpacking the hob, make sure that it has not been damaged during transport. In the event of problems, contact the
dealer or your nearest After-sales Service.
Use protective gloves for handling, preparing and installing the product.
This product can be embedded in a worktop 20 to 60 mm thick.
If there is no oven beneath the hob, insert a separator panel that has a surface at least equal to the opening in the
work surface. This panel must be positioned at a maximum distance of 150 mm below the upper surface of the
work surface but, in no case less than 20 mm from the bottom of the hob. In the case that you intend to install
an oven beneath the hob, make sure that it is equipped with a cooling system. The manufacturer declines all
liability if another brand oven is installed beneath the hob.
Before installation, make sure that:
- the local gas delivery conditions (nature and pressure) are compatible with the settings of the hob (see the
rating plate and injector table);
- the outer surfaces of the furniture or appliances adjacent to the hob are heat resistant according to local regulations;
- this appliance is not connected to a fume exhaust device. It shall be installed in accordance with current installation
regulations. Particular attention shall be given to the relevant requirements regarding ventilation;
- combustion products are discharged outdoors through specific hoods or wall and/or window mounted electrical fans.
This is the safety alert symbol, pertaining to safety, which alerts users to potential hazards to themselves and others.
All safety messages will follow the safety alert symbol and either the terms:
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will cause serious injury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could cause serious injury.
If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result
causing property damage or injury.
What to do if you smell gas:
- Do not try to light any appliance.
- Do not touch any electrical switch.
- Do not use any phone in your building.
- Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbors phone. Follow the gas suppliers instructions.
- If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department.
- Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier.
- Use appliance in well ventilated rooms only.
This operation must be performed by a qualified technician.
The gas supply system must comply with local regulations.
You can find specific local regulations for some countries in the paragraph
“Reference to Local Regulations”. If no information concerning your Country is
given, please ask details to your Installer.
The connection of the hob to the gas pipe network or gas cylinder must be made by
means of a rigid copper or steel pipe with fittings complying with local regulations, or
by means of a continuous-surface stainless steel hose complying with local
regulations. The maximum length of the hose is 2 linear metres.
Connect elbow (A)* or (B)* supplied with to the hob inlet main pipe and interpose
the washer (C) supplied, in compliance with EN 549.
*Use elbow (A) for France and elbow (B) for all other destinations.
IMPORTANT: if a stainless steel hose is used, it must be installed so as not to touch
any mobile part of the furniture. It must pass through an area where there are no
obstructions and where it is possible to inspect it on all its length.
After connection to the gas supply, check for leaks with soapy water. Light up the burners and turn the knobs from max
position to minimum position to check flame stability.
5019 400 00712 Manufacturer: Whirlpool Europe S.r.l. Viale G. Borghi, 27 21025 Comerio (VA) ITALY

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