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Pagina verder
After unpacking, make sure the appliance is
undamaged and that the door closes
correctly. Do not use the appliance if it is
damaged. If in doubt, consult your local
Keep potentially hazardous packaging
(plastic bags etc.) out of the reach of children.
This appliance is designed for use in the home
in compliance with its intended purpose.
All water and electrical connections must be
carried out by a qualified technician in
compliance with the manufacturer's
instructions (refer to the enclosed installation
booklet) and current local safety regulations.
3. Packing
The packing box may be fully recycled as
confirmed by the recycling symbol .
4. Appliance
The appliance is built from reusable
If you decide to scrap the dishwasher, it
must be disposed of in compliance with local
waste disposal laws. Before scrapping, cut
off the power cable so that the appliance
cannot be connected to the mains.
Child safety
Do not allow children to play with the
Store the detergent, rinse aid and salt in a dry
place out of the reach of children.
General recommendations
Only use detergents, rinse aids and
regeneration salts specially recommended
for use in domestic dishwashers.
On completion of the wash programme
switch off the dishwasher and turn off the
water tap.
Before cleaning or carrying out maintenance,
switch off the appliance, disconnect the
mains plug and turn off the water tap.
If a fault occurs, switch off the appliance and
turn off the water tap.
The open dishwasher door can only support
the weight of the loaded rack when pull out.
Do not rest objects on the open door or sit or
stand on it since the appliance may topple
If necessary, the power cable may be
replaced with one the same obtained from
our After-Sales Service. The power cable
must only be replaced by a qualified
For appliances with water-stop system:
The water inlet hose and plastic casing
contain electrical components. Do not
therefore cut the hose or immerse the plastic
casing in water. If the hose is damaged
switch off the appliance immediately.
Do not use solvents inside the dishwasher:
risk of explosion!
Load capacity: 12 place settings
EC Declaration of Conformity
This appliance has been designed,
constructed and distributed in compliance
with the safety requirements of EC
Do not rinse crockery under running water.
Always fully load the dishwasher before
switching on or set the wash programme to
half load
(if available) if one rack only is
If ecological energy sources are available
such as solar panel heating, heat pumps or
centralised heating systems, the appliance
may be connected to the hot water mains up
to a maximum temperature of 60°C.
Make sure the water inlet hose is of the
correct type. Refer to the “Connections”
chapter in these user instructions.
94000-gb.fm5 Page 13 Thursday, September 13, 2001 4:13 PM

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  • Vaatwasser GSF4862 geeft storing F7 wat is dit ? Gesteld op 18-11-2009 om 16:37

    Reageer op deze vraag Misbruik melden
    • De F7 is een indicatie dat de toevoer van het water onvoldoende is. Dat wordt gemeten door een flowmeter in de bodem van de vaatwasser.
      Wij hadden dat ook vaak, maar niet altijd. Het is weggebleven nadat iemand de tip heeft gegeven om een keer met een lege vaatwasser het heetste programma te draaien, met een hand soda op de bodem. Geantwoord op 10-9-2010 om 18:57

      Waardeer dit antwoord Misbruik melden

Misbruik melden

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht GSF4862

Bauknecht GSF4862 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Bauknecht GSF4862 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 9 pagina's

Bauknecht GSF4862 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 10 pagina's

Bauknecht GSF4862 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

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