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BLPE 8009
5019 410 56326
1. Control panel
2. Cooling fan
3. Grill safety guard
4. Door lock
5. Catalyser
6. Upper heating element safety guard
7. Upper heating element
8. Rear light
9. Round heating element
10. Oven fan
11. Lower heating element (hidden)
12. Oven door
The fan will come on when the oven reaches a certain
temperature and may continue for a few minutes after the oven has
been switched off. During the pyro-clean cycle the fan runs faster
than during normal cooking functions.
Prevents food from coming into direct contact with the grill.
Nevertheless, you are advised not to touch the safety guard whilst
the oven is on.
An automatic "door lock" mechanism activates during pyro-
cleaning and the " " indicator lamp lights up on the display.
The oven door will heat up during pyro-cleaning hence children
must be kept well clear of the appliance.
Opening the oven door when the oven is off, the internal light will
come on.
1. On/Off - function selection knob
2. Button to select and confirm programmes
3. Knob to change preprogrammed values (temperature,
time, levels)
Retractable knobs
To use this type of knob, press it in the middle.
The knob comes out.
Turn it to the required position.
Once cooking is over, turn the knob to 0 and press it again
to restore it to its original position.
To p
Wire Shelf:
Drip tray:
Baking tray:
Important notes:
During the self-clean cycle you are advised not to remove any of the accessories provided with the oven to prevent any
further increase in the outside temperature of the door and to assure more thorough cleaning of the lower part of the oven.
Oven function chart
Description of function
Oven OFF
- - -
- - To switch on the oven light.
(Heat Maintenance)
35°C -
To maintain a constant temperature inside the oven.
3C: to raise pasta, bread and pizza.
60°C: to keep cooked food warm.
Ideally the first shelf level should be used.
225°C 50°C - 250°C
To cook meat, fish and chicken on the same level.
Preheat the oven to the required cooking temperature and
place food in the oven as soon as the indicator light " "
switches off.
Ideally, the second or third shelf level should be used.
200°C 50°C - 250°C
To cook (without preheating) foods that require the same
cooking temperature on one or more levels (e.g.: fish,
vegetables, sweets), without transferring odours from one
foodstuff to the other.
3 -
To grill steak, kebabs and sausages, to cook vegetables au
gratin and to toast bread.
This function can be set to different power levels (min. 1. -
max. 5.).
Preheat the oven for 3 - 5 min.
The oven door must be kept closed during the cooking cycle.
When cooking meat, pour a little water into the drip tray
(on the bottom level) to reduce smoke and fat spatters.
Ideally the meat should be turned during cooking.
3 -
To grill large joints of meat (roast beef and other roast
This function can be set to different power levels (min. 1. -
max. 5.).
Preheat the oven for 3 - 5 min.
The oven door must be kept closed during the cooking cycle.
When cooking meat, pour a little water into the drip tray
(on the bottom level) to reduce smoke and fat spatters.
Ideally the meat should be turned during cooking.
P1- 300°C
P2- 220°C
To bake pizza, bread, focaccia.
225°C 50°C - 250°C
To preheat the oven rapidly.
As the temperature increases the indicator “ ” will light up.
The booster function cuts out automatically when the
programmed temperature is reached. The acoustic signal
will sound and the appliance switches to the STATIC
cooking function.
Further details can be found in the
instruction manual.
Self-cleaning time can be set from a minimum of 2 minutes
to a maximum 3 hours.
Further details can be found in the
instruction manual.
For a preset self-cleaning time of 1 hour 15 minutes.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht BLPE 8009

Bauknecht BLPE 8009 Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht BLPE 8009 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 17 pagina's

Bauknecht BLPE 8009 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 17 pagina's

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