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Quick guide
In order to receive a more complete assistance, please
register your product on www . bauknecht . eu / register
Before using the appliance carefully read the Safety
Wait at least two hours, after the installation, before connecting
the appliance to the power supply. Connect the appliance to the
power supply it starts the operation automatically. The ideal storage
temperatures for the food are preset in the factory.
After turning the appliance on, you must wait for 4-6 hours for the
correct storage temperature to be reached for a normally lled
appliance. Position the antibacterial anti-odour lter in the fan as
demonstrated in the lter packaging (if available). If the audible signal
sounds, it means that the temperature alarm has intervened: press the
button to switch o the acoustic alarms.
1. Temperature Display
2. Freezer temperature
3. Fast freeze - On/stand-by
4. Turning o the sound alarm
5. Black out alarm indicator
6. Fast cool
7. Refrigerator temperature - Vacation
3.4.6. 5.
1.7. 2.
The Fan improves temperature distribution inside the product,
allowing better preservation of stored food and reduction of excess
humidity. By default, the fan is switched on. You can turn the fan on/o
by pressing for 3 seconds
and buttons. The display light will ash
and a sound signal is activated one times if the fan is OFF or the display
light will ash and a sound signal is activated two times if the fan is
ON. If the ambient temperature exceeds 27°C, or if drops of water are
present on the glass shelves, it is essential that the fan is on to ensure
the proper preservation of the food. Deactivation of the fan allows
energy consumption to be optimised.
Note: the fan restarts automatically after a power cut or after turning o the
appliance. Do not obstruct the air intake area with food items.
Remove it from the box placed in the Fruit and vegetable drawer and
insert into the cover of fan. The replacement procedure is included in
the lter box.
Press the button for 3 seconds to turn the appliance o. In Stand-by
mode, two dashes light up on the display. Press the button again
briey to reactivate the appliance.
Note: this does not disconnect the appliance from the power supply.
It is possible to set a dierent temperature of the appliance by pressing
The display may alternately show the refrigerator compartment
temperature (between 2°C and 8° C) or the temperature of the freezer
compartment (between -16°C and -24°C).
Press the button
before placing a large quantity of fresh
food in the refrigerator compartment. When the function is turned on
the icon light up. The function turns o automatically after 6 hours, or
manually by pressing the button again.
To turn o the sound alarm, briey press the
It is possible to set a dierent temperature of the appliance by pressing
Press the
button 24 hours before putting large quantities of
food to freeze in the freezing zone. When the function is turned on the
icon lights up. The function turns o automatically after 48 hours, or
manually by pressing the button again.
You can use this function in the event of your prolonged absence. Press
the button
for 3 seconds to turn the function on. The display will
show the temperature of the refrigerator compartment (+12°C) and
the icon will light up. After activating the function, remove the food
from the refrigerator compartment and keep both doors closed - the
refrigerator will maintain a suitable temperature to prevent odours
from forming. The freezer, however, remains at the set temperature. To
turn o the function press the botton
for 3 seconds.
* Available only on certain models

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Andere handleiding(en) van Bauknecht B70400

Bauknecht B70400 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 7 pagina's

Bauknecht B70400 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Bauknecht B70400 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 4 pagina's

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