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This is a publication by Conrad Electronic SE, Klaus-Conrad-Str. 1, D-92240 Hirschau (www.conrad.com).
All rights including translation reserved. Reproduction by any method, e.g. photocopy, microlming, or the capture in
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This publication represent the technical status at the time of printing.
© Copyright 2020 by Conrad Electronic SE. 1528580_91_v2_0620_02_dh_m_en
Do not connect several plug-in outlets together!
Plug the programmable plug-in outlet (digital mini timer) into a common household safety
socket with earth protection and 230 V AC voltage.
a) Time display
Two different time zones can be displayed. To toggle between the time formats, press and hold
the CLOCK-button until the display changes.
12-hour display 11:59 to 12:00 using AM or PM
24-hour display 00:00 to 23:59
b) Setting the Weekdays
Press and hold the SET-button until the current weekday is shown on the display. Days are
shown in the following order: Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su.
To scroll through the above sequence on the display, press and hold the „ “ button. Week-
days are selected in reverse order by means of the „ “ button.
Press and hold the „ “ button or the „ “ button to scroll faster through the weekdays.
Release the button as soon as the desired weekday is shown.
Conrm your setting by pressing the SET-button or wait until the chosen weekday stops
c) Clock time adjustment
Once the weekday has been set, the hour display on your display ashes. You can now set
the current time of day.
To increase the hours, press the „ “ button. By pressing the „ “ button you are decreasing
the hours. Press and hold the „ “ button or the „ “ button to scroll faster through the hour
display. Release the button as soon as the desired hour is shown.
Again conrm your setting by pressing the SET-button. Now you can set the minutes. Repeat
steps 1 and 2 of the clock time adjustment to do this.
d) Setting daylight saving
Press the CLOCK button and the „ “ button at the same time to change to daylight saving.
An hour is added to the current time. „S“ is always shown on the display.
Undo the setting by pressing the CLOCK- and the „ “ button.
The display must show the time in order to be able to set weekdays and time. If you
are in programming mode, however, press the CLOCK-button to return to the time
e) Programming mode
Start the programming mode by pressing the “ “ button. The display shows „1ON“. „1“ indi-
cates the programme group. „ON“ means that the device will switch on at the set time. „OFF
means that the device will switch off at the set time.
You can select the programme group as described under c) by means of the „ “ and „
“ buttons. Groups are displayed as follows: 1ON, 1OFF… 20ON, 20OFF and d ON/OFF
Once you have selected the desired programme group, press the SET button. You can now
select the desired weekday or weekday combinations for this programme.
Conrm your setting with the SET button.
Once the weekdays are set, select the associated hours. Follow steps 1 and 2 under c) to
do this.
To set additional programme groups or to change your set programme, repeat steps 1 to 4
under e).
An appliance should turn on between 10:00 and 10:10 AM on Monday.
To do this, set the programme 1ON to Mo, 10:00 AM. Your device will turn on at the given
time. To turn the device off at 10:10, set the programme 1OFF to Mo, 10:10. Your device will
turn off at the given time.
To reset a programme, enter programming mode. Select the appropriate programme
and press the ON/OFFbutton.
To return to the time display, press the CLOCK button. Alternatively, the display will
go back to display the time after about 15 seconds.
f) Countdown
When the time is displayed press the „ “ button to be able to use the countdown mode. The
display shows „d ON“ (or „d OFF“). „d“ indicates that the countdown modus is activated. Your
device will run until the countdown ends, if „d ON“ is set. On „OFF“ your device will be turned
off until the countdown ends.
Press the SET button to start with the adjustments. You can set the number of hours, minutes
and seconds. Adjust the desired number as described under b). The number of seconds is
set to be equivalent to the number of hours.
Press the C.D. button to start the set countdown. Pressing the C.D. button again, will exit
countdown mode.
Press the „ “ button to view the countdown details.
To change your settings, repeat steps 1 to 3 of f).
g) Random mode
Random mode turns your devices on and off at irregular intervals.
Start random mode by pressing the RND button. Your devices will turn off between 26 min-
utes and 42 minutes. Switch-on phases will last between 10 minutes and 26 minutes.
Press the RND button again to disable random mode.
Important notes
Programmes that you have programmed, countdown mode and random mode will only start
in the AUTO status. If you are in the time display, press the ON/OFF button to toggle between
ON“, „“AUTO“ and „OFF“. Your appliances are always on in the “-Status”. If in the “OFF-Status“
your appliances are always turned off. Programmes will only run in the „AUTO-Status“.
The built-in rechargeable battery will need two hours to fully charge. Plug the programmable
plug-in outlet into a standard household socket.
It is not possible to enable countdown mode, random mode and the set programmes simul-
Electronic devices are recyclable material and do not belong in the household
Dispose of an unserviceable product in accordance with the relevant statutory regu-
Technical data
Rated voltage ............................... 230 V/AC, 50 Hz
Maximum nominal power .............. 1800 W
Protection type .............................. IP20
Timer interval ................................ 1 minute (countdown mode 1 second)
Operating conditions
Temperature ................................. 0 °C to +40 °C
Air humidity ................................... < 90% relative, non-condensing
Storage conditions
Temperature ................................. -10 °C to +50 °C
Air humidity ................................... < 90% relative, non-condensing
Dimensions (W x H x D) ............... 102 x 76 x 54 mm

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