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The product is not a toy. Keep out of the reach of children and pets.
Do not carelessly cast aside the packaging material. It may become a dangerous
plaything for children.
Protect the product from extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, strong vibrations,
high humidity, moisture, combustible gases, vapours and solvents.
Never expose the product to mechanical stress.
If safe operation is no longer possible, take the device out of service and secure
it against unintended use.
Safe operation is no longer possible, if the product:
- has visible damage,
- no longer functions properly,
- has been stored under adverse ambient conditions for an extended period
of time or
- has been exposed to considerable strain during transport.
Also observe the safety and operating instructions of any other devices that are
connected to this product. Appliances with high heat development, for example,
or which pose other hazards may be connected and used only under supervision.
The plug-in outlet may not be used for life-critical appliances.
Never pour liquids on electrical devices, and never place any liquid-containing
objects (such as vases) on top of them or near them. You run the high risk of
causing a re or a fatal electric shock.
If you have doubts about how the equipment should be operated or how to safely
connect it, consult a trained technician.
Maintenance, adjustment and repair work may be carried out only by an expert
or a specialised workshop.
Control elements
Operating instructions
Mini timer switch, digital
Item no. 1528580 white
Item no. 1528591 silver
Intended use
The time-programmable plug-in outlet (digital mini timer) allows you to set the switch-on and
switch-off times for your electrical equipment. The plug-in outlet is intended to save energy and
prolong longevity of your electrical equipment. Also, the plug-in outlet can increase the safety of
your home, if the lights are accidentally switched on and off.
The device is plugged between the wall socket and the electrical appliance and requires no
additional installation. Use only with common household safety sockets of 230 V/AC nominal
voltage. The maximum nominal power of the connected device should not exceed 1800 W.
Your presettings will be stored and the internal clock continues running even if not connected
to the mains. The rechargeable battery is charged once the programmable plug-in outlet is
connected to the mains for 2 hours. After charging from the mains, the reset button must be
pressed to conrm.
The product is designed for indoor use only. Do not use in wet rooms or under unfavourable
ambient conditions. Unfavourable ambient conditions include:
- wet conditions or high air humidity
- Dust and ammable gases, vapours or solvents
- Thunderstorms or similar conditions such as strong electrostatic elds
Any use other than that described above can lead to damage to the product; moreover, this
poses dangers such as short circuits, re, electric shock, etc. No part of the product may be
modied or converted! Read the operating instructions carefully and keep them for later refer-
ence. If you pass the product on to a third party, please hand over these operating instructions
as well.
The safety instructions should be observed without fail!
This product complies with the applicable national and European Regulations. All names of
companies and products are the trademarks of the respective owners. All rights reserved.
Package contents
Mini timer switch
Sticker set (type plates)
Operating Instructions
Up-to-date operating instructions
Download the latest operating instructions via the link www.conrad.com/downloads or scan the
QR code. Follow the instructions on the website.
Preset switch-on/switch-off times
Countdown and random functions
Daylight saving time settings
Up to 140 programs per week can be set
Enhanced protection against accidental contact
Explanation of symbols
An exclamation mark in a triangle indicates important information in these operating
instructions which must be observed without fail.
The arrow symbol is used when specic tips and information on the operation are
This product has been CE-tested and meets the necessary European guidelines.
Safety instructions
Please read the operating instructions carefully and pay particular attention
to the safety instructions. We assume no liability for damage to property or
personal injury caused by failure to observe the operating instructions and
the safety instructions or by improper handling! In such cases, the warranty
will be null and void!
Dear customer,
the following safety instructions are intended not only for the protection of
your health, but also for the protection of the device. Therefore, please read
this chapter very carefully before using the product for the rst time!

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