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BWT water + more GmbH
Walter-Simmer-Straße 4
A-5310 Mondsee
E-Mail: info@quick-n-clean.com
BWT-333861-2 Druck:120912SK
BWT – The Company
Best Water Technology Group (BWT) is Europe’s leading water technology company. Our
water partner network comprises the group’s 2,800 employees and thousands of plumbers,
planners, architects and hygiene experts. Our Research & Development teams, using state-
of-the-art methods, work on new processes and materials to create products that are both
ecological and economical. Looking ahead, a key development issue is a reduction in the
products’ use of operating resources and energy consumption and the resulting minimisation
of CO
Whether at the place where the water pipe enters the building (‘point of entry’) or at the
tapping point (‘point of use’), BWT’s trend-setting ‘Made in Europe’ products have proved
their quality millions of times over in the treatment of: drinking water, mineral water and ul-
trapure water for the pharmaceutical industry; water for swimming pools; heating and pro-
cess water; boiler and cooling water; and water for air-conditioning. BWT’s wide-ranging
innovations guarantee maximum safety, hygiene and health in the daily use of water – that
precious elixir of life. These innovations, among others, include: SEPTRON
, the world’s rst
electrodeionisation module (EDI) with spiral wrap; manganese oxide activation (MDA) – a
method for effective manganese removal; AQA total bipolar technology for chemical-free
limescale protection; SANISAL the world’s rst regeneration salt for softening water sys-
tems, which also works as a disinfectant; and the new, revolutionary Mg
technology that
improves the taste of ltered water, coffee and tea. Through its unique, high efciency
membranes for fuel cells and batteries, BWT is creating a cleaner, more sustainable energy
supply for the 21
BWT For You and Planet Blue signies that our mission is to take ecological, economical
and social responsibility, to provide our customers and partners with the best products, sys-
tems, technologies and services in all areas of water treatment and, at the same time, to
make a valuable contribution to preserving the global resources of our blue planet.

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