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rpm/vehicle speed, response delay, lateral
> Malfunctions and defects in the major sys-
tem components, such as the lights and
> Responses of the vehicle in special driving
situations, such as the deployment of an air-
bag, the utilization of stability control sys-
> Environmental conditions, such as temper-
These data are exclusively of a technical nature
and are used for the detection and correction of
errors, as well as the optimization of vehicle
functions. Motion profiles of traveled routes can
not be deduced from these data. If services are
required, such as repair services, service pro-
cesses, warranty claims and quality assurance,
then this technical information can be read out
by employees of service departments, includ-
ing the manufacturer, from the event and error
data storage devices by using special diagnos-
tic equipment. There, if necessary, you will
receive further information. After remedying an
error, the information in the error memory is
deleted or progressively overwritten.
When using the vehicle, situations are conceiv-
able in which this technical data, in conjunction
with other information, such as accident
reports, vehicle damage, witness statements,
etc. - possibly with the assistance of an expert -
could be traced to particular individuals.
Additional functions that are agreed upon con-
tractually with the customer, such as vehicle
tracking in case of emergency, permit the trans-
mission of certain vehicle data from the vehicle.
Reporting safety defects
For US customers
The following only applies to vehicles owned
and operated in the US.
If you believe that your vehicle has a defect
which could cause a crash or could cause injury
or death, you should immediately inform the
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration,
NHTSA, in addition to notifying BMW of North
America, LLC, P.O. Box 1227, Westwood, New
Jersey 07675-1227, Telephone 1-800-831-
If NHTSA receives similar complaints, it may
open an investigation, and if it finds that a safety
defect exists in a group of vehicles, it may order
a recall and remedy campaign. However,
NHTSA cannot become involved in individual
problems between you, your center, or BMW of
North America, LLC.
To contact NHTSA, you may call the Vehicle
Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-888-327-4236
(TTY: 1-800-424-9153); go to
http://www.safercar.gov; or write to: administra-
tor, NHTSA, 400 Seventh Street, SW., Wash-
ington, DC 20590. You can also obtain other
information about motor vehicle safety from
For Canadian customers
Canadian customers who wish to report a
safety-related defect to Transport Canada,
Defect Investigations and Recalls, may tele-
phone the toll-free hotline 1-800-333-0510.
You can also obtain other information about
motor vehicle safety from http://www.tc.gc.ca/
Online Edition for Part no. 01402918484 - © 02/13 BMW AG

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