Pagina terug
Pagina verder
1. Receiver
2. Microphone
3. Coiled cord slot on the handset
4. Coiled cord slot on the cradle
5. Numeric keypad
6. Key
: Mute
7. Key
: Access to additional services from your
telephone network provider
8. Key
: Pause
9. Key
: Redial last number dialled
10. Handset Ä_PUN ÅHUNLZ for wall installation
11. Hook
12. Line cord slot
And if you have a couple more minutes
13. 9PUN volume switch:
Switch for
100 ms or 300 ms
15. 9PUNLY output
16. Slots for screws for wall assembly
1. Features 15
2. Cautions 15
3. Maintenance 16
4. Installation 16
4.1. Contents ............................................................ 16
4.2. Installation .......................................................... 16
4.3. Wall assembly .................................................... 16
5. Device settings 17
5.1. Ringer volume adjustment (13) ........................... 17
5.2. Flash key adjustment (14) ................................... 17
6. Operation 18
6.1. Making a call ...................................................... 18
6.2. Receiving a call .................................................. 18
6.3. Mute (6) .............................................................. 18
6.4. Flash key (7) ....................................................... 18
6.5. Pause key (8) ...................................................... 18
6.6. Redial key (9) ...................................................... 19
1 Features
- Tone dialling.
- Ringer volume adjustment: high and low.
- Redial.
- Mute: mute microphone.
- R / F key: to access supplementary services.
- Flash time: 100 ms or 300 ms
- Pause key.
- Table top operation or wall mounting.
2 Safety instructions
- Read these instructions before using the telephone.
- Do not expose the telephone to water or humidity.
- Whenever possible, avoid installing the telephone in extremely
cold or hot places and next to television sets, radios or other
electrical appliances.
Intended use
The telephone is suitable for telephoning within a public
telephone network system. Any other use is considered
unintended use.
Unauthorised modification or reconstruction is not permitted.
Under no circumstances open the device or complete any
repair work yourself.
In order to dispose of your device, take it to a collection
point provided by your local public waste authorities
(e.g. recycling centre). According to laws on the disposal
of electronic and electrical devices, owners are obliged to
dispose of old electronic and electrical devices in a separate
waste container.
The adjacent symbol indicates that the
device must not be disposed of in normal
domestic waste!
Packaging materials must be disposed of according to
local regulations.
3 Maintenance
1. Clean the housing surfaces with a soft, fluff-free cloth.
Do not use any cleaning agents or solvents.
4 Installation
4.1 Contents
- A telephone
- A coiled cord for the handset
- A line cord
- User manual
4.2 Installation
This telephone must be connected to telephone lines, which
accepts tone (Dtmf) dialling.
1. Connect one end of the handset's coiled cord to the slot on
the bottom of the handset (3), and the other end of the cord
into the slot on the left-hand side of the cradle (4).
cradle (12), and the other end in the telephone wall socket
in your home. Thread the flat cord through the guide
that is designed for this purpose on the bottom of the
telephone's cradle.
4.3 Wall assembly
This device is can be easily wall-mounted. To do so:
- Drill two holes in the wall, 75 mm apart, as indicated in the
drawing below for wall assembly.
- Put the screws in. Use the following type of screws: 3.5 x 25KA,
- Fit the cradle into the slots (16) located on the bottom of the
telephone for this purpose and make sure that it is securely
Illustration for wall assembly:
- Remember that the telephone has two handset holder
clips (10). One for when the telephone is on the hook and
the other for when it is off the hook.
5 Device settings
On the bottom of the telephone there are several switches
which will help you to set several fundamental functions:
5.1 Ringer volume adjustment (13)
Turn the (13) switch to the position for high volume and
to the
position for low volume. The default factory volume
setting is high:
This key allows you to access to the different services, which
offers its operator or PABX, such as, “call forward”, “call
waiting”, “answering machine”, etc. For further information
contact your telephone network provider.
In delivery state, a flash time of 100 ms is set. When
connected to a public telephone network in most cases
no switching is necessary.
If your telephone is connected to a PBX, it can be
necessary to set the flash time to 300 ms. Please refer
to the documentation of your PBX.
100 300
This key lets you access the different additional services offered
by your telephone network provider or PBX, such as: “call
forwarding, call on hold”, answering machine service, etc.
For further information please contact your telephone network
If your telephone is connected to a PBX, it can be
necessary to set the flash time to 300 ms. Please refer
to the documentation of your PBX.
Pause key
When your are dialling digits you can enter a pause of approx.
3 seconds by pressing this key. This function is useful,
for example, when you are going to make a call from a
PBX, and after dialling the access code to the line you
have to wait for a second tone.
6 Operation
6.1 Making a call
- Pick up the handset.
- Listen to the dialling tone and dial the telephone number.
6.2 Receiving a call
- The ringer rings when it receives a call.
- Pick up the handset.
- Proceed to take the phone call.
6.3 Mute
Mute the microphone. Press and hold down this key , if
you DO NOT want to be heard by the person on the other end
of the line and release when you are ready for them to hear
you again.
6.6 Redial key
If you want to redial the last number dialled:
- Pick up the handset.
- Press the
key and the telephone will automatically dial
the last dialled number again.
Supplementary services
Your telephone supports supplementary services provided
by your telephone network provider, such as brokering,
call waiting and conference facilities. These supplementary
services can be used via the R/F-button.
Please contact your telephone network provider regarding
which Flash time must be set to use the supplementary
services. Contact your telephone network provider with
regard to enabling supplementary services.
Declaration of Conformity
This device fulfils the requirements stipulated in the EU
- 1999/5/EU directive on radio equipment and telecommuni-
cations terminal equipment and the mutual recognition of
their conformity.
Conformity with the above mentioned directive is confirmed
by the CE symbol on the device. To view the complete
Declaration of Conformity, please refer to the free download
available on our web site
You hear UV[OPUN when you take the phone off the
- Check the connections to the telephone line (12) and the
wall socket in your home.
- Check the receiver's coiled cord connections (3 and 4).
- Check the installation and connect the handset directly to
its PTR. If the problem persists, contact your telephone
- Check that with each digit you hear a keystroke tone in the
- Check that the ringer volume switch is in the position
(High volume).
Übersicht Manual structure
Kurzanleitung 2
Bedienungsanleitung 3
Inhaltsverzeichnis 4
Ausführliche Bedienungsanleitung 5
Fehlersuche 10
Zusatzdienste 10
Konformitätserklärung 10
Quick guide 12
How to install it in just 1 minute
Basic telephone use
And if you have a couple more minutes 13
Index 14
Full instructions guide 15
Troubleshooting 20
Additional services 20
Declaration of Conformity 20
Guarantee 21
english 14english 13english 12
english 18english 17
english 21
english 16
english 20
english 15
english 19
Deutsch / english 23
Quick guide
How to install it in just 1 minute
Connect one end of the handset's coiled cord to the slot on
the bottom of the handset (3), and the other end of the cord
into the slot on the left-hand side of the cradle (4).
cradle (12), and the other end into the telephone wall socket
in your home.
Basic telephone use
- Pick up the handset.
- Listen to the dialling tone and dial the telephone number.
- The ringer rings when there is an incoming call.
- Pick up the handset.
- Proceed to take the phone call.
Redial last number dialled (9)
- Pick up the handset.
- Press the
Flash key adjustment
Flash key
AUDIOLINE equipment is produced and tested according to the latest production methods. The implementation of
carefully chosen materials and highly developed technologies ensure trouble-free functioning and a long service life.
The terms of guarantee do not apply where the cause of equipment malfunction is the fault of the telephone network
operator or any interposed private branch extension system. The terms of guarantee do not apply to the batteries or
power packs used in the products. The period of guarantee is 24 months from the date of purchase.
All deficiencies related to material or manufacturing errors within the period of guarantee will be redressed free of charge.
Rights to claims under the terms of guarantee are annulled following tampering by the purchaser or third parties.
Damage caused as the result of improper handling or operation, normal wear and tear, incorrect positioning or storage,
improper connection or installation or Acts of God and other external influences are excluded from the terms of guarantee.
In the case of complaints, we reserve the right to repair defect parts, replace them or replace the entire device.
Replaced parts or devices become our property. Rights to compensation in the case of damage are excluded where
there is no evidence of intent or gross negligence by the manufacturer.
If your device shows signs of defect during the period of guarantee, please return it to the sales outlet in which you
purchased the AUDIOLINE device together with the purchase receipt. All claims under the terms of guarantee in
accordance with this agreement can only be asserted at the sales outlet.
No claims under the terms of guarantee can be asserted after a period of two years from the date of purchase and
hand-over of the product.
Service Hotline Germany: 0180 5 001388
(Costs for call from german landline at time of print: 14 ct/min, max. 42 ct/min from mobile phone providers.)

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