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ASPI Digital - The Sound of DSP Application Note: 121
Since the EF1210TEC is largely based on the EF1210, most of the information in the EF1210
User Manual applies to the EF1210TEC. This document describes the TEC features, and the
difference between the operation and configureation of the EF1210TEC and the standard
The EF1210TEC is a unique product that is designed to cancel echoes caused by the transmis-
sion network as well as acoustic echoes in the local room. There are a total of eight echo can-
cellation channels on the EF1210TEC. Seven channels of the EF1210TEC behave as normal
Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) channels. One channel is a Transmission Echo Cancella-
tion (TEC) channel.
The TEC is based on two components. The Transmission Delay Compensator (TDC) deter-
mines the amount of delay in the echo signal. The echo canceller does the actual filtering to
remove the echo, and is based on the same technology that is in all of ASPI Digital’s acoustic
echo cancellers. The TDC essentially moves the echo canceller to the right delay, so that the
TEC (the combination of the TDC and the echo canceller) can cancel looped back echoes over
a much longer time period than the tail length of an echo canceller would normally allow.
It should be noted that the TEC is designed to handle looped back echoes created by the trasn-
mission network, and not acoustic echoes caused by remote sites. The tail length of the echo
canceller in the TEC is not as long as the AEC channels, because it is designed to cancel only
clean looped back echoes. Also, the TEC will not cancel multiple echoes if they are separated
by more than a few milliseconds.
The connections required for the EF1210TEC are fairly application specific. The two most
common applications for the EF1210TEC will be described below.
Figure 1a: EF1210TEC Front Panel
Figure 1b: EF1210TEC Rear Panel

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Aspi EF1210 Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 112 pagina's

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