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user manual
Auto button - Temperature adjustment activation
The AUTO function enables boiler operation to be adapted to
environmental conditions and to the type of system it is installed
Comfortable temperature is reached inside the room in the quickest
way possible, without wasting money, energy or eciency, while
substantially reducing the amount of wear experienced by the
Your installer will advise you on the devices connectable to
the boiler and will program it according to the system.
In normal boilers the water temperature inside the heating elements
is usually set to a high value (70-80°C), thereby ensuring eective
heating during the few really cold winter days. It then becomes
excessive on less cold days (of which there are many) more typical
of the autumn and winter seasons. This leads to excessive room
heating after the thermostat has been switched o, resulting in
energy waste and uncomfortable conditions inside the room.
The AUTO function “takes control” of the boiler and selects the best
operating regime based on environmental conditions, external
devices connected to the boiler and the performance required. It
constantly decides at which power level to operate based on the
environmental conditions and the room temperature required.
Change of gas type
Our boilers are designed to function either with Natural Gas (meth-
ane) or L.P.G. gas. If you need to change from one gas to the other,
one of our Authorised Service Centres must be contacted to con-
vert the appliance.
Schedule an annual maintenance check-up for the boiler with a
competent person.
Correct maintenance always results in savings in the cost of
running the system.
Failure to arrange an annual service for the appliance will invalidate
the second year of the manufacturers guarantee.

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