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Argus DC- 2185
Digital Camera Quick Start Guide
Argus D C -2185 Digital Camera Quick Start Guide
Thank you for selecting the Argus DC-2185 Digital Camera! It is our goal t o
make your digital imaging experience the best that we can. If you ever get
stuck, have a question or simply need some advice about using your ne w
Argus DC-2185 digital camera please feel f r ee to visit our live technicians
at http://ww w .arguscamera.com/support.htm or call us
at 1-224-836-3400 (choose option 4).
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Getting to know your Argus DC -2185 Digital Camera
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Using your new Argus DC- 2185 Digital Camera
is as easy as 1,2,3!
Getting Started with your new Argus DC-2185 Digital Camera
1. Remove the plastic p r otective covering f r om the LCD on the back of
the camera .
2. Open the battery door on the bottom of the camera and insert th r ee AA A
alkaline batteries – we r ecommend photo grade AAA batteries or othe r
brand-name long life batteries for best performance.
a. Please use high grade Alkaline, Photo Grade Alkaline or r echargeabl e
Alkaline batteries for your camera s best performance .
b. Please do not leave batteries in your camera for an extended time
without use as they may cause damage to the camera .
c. W e r ecommend that you sto r e images only on your r emovable memor y
(SD/MMC) ca r d, however your new DC-2185 includes a small amount o f
built-in memory that will sto r e app r oximately eight images. If you decid e
to save any images di r ectly to the camera, please transfer photos save d
to the cameras inte r nal memory onto your computer befo r e r eplacin g
the batteries to avoid losing photos .
d. Photos saved to an SD/MMC ca r d a r e secu r e and will not be lost if th e
batteries a r e drained or r emoved .
3 . T u r n the camera on by p r essing the “ON/OFF” button for app r oximatel y
th r ee seconds. The camera will automatically shut o f f automatically after 6 0
seconds, however you can also shut it o f f by p r essing and holding th e
“ON/OFF” button for app r oximately th r ee seconds when the camera is on .
4. Frame your subject using either the optical or LCD viewfinde r . Always try t o
get as close as you can and be su r e the r e is enough light. If mo r e light i s
needed, please tu r n on the flash featu r e .
a. T u r n on the flash by holding the “Flash/Down” key – you will see th e
Flash icon on the LCD blink for a few seconds and then a Flash Symbo l
will appea r , p r ess “Flash/Down” again – the Auto Flash is now on. Th e
camera will then be in Auto Flash mode and the camera will adjust th e
light for the exposu r e automaticall y .
1 . The flash icon should NOT have a line th r ough it as that would
indicate the flash is in the o f f mode.
2. If the flash icon will not set to auto flash, your batteries may be lo w
and need to be r eplaced .
3 . The default for the flash is o f f. Each time you tu r n your camera on ,
you will need to r eset the flash to Auto Flash if needed .
b. Once the subject is framed and the lighting condition is set, p r ess th e
shutter button on the top of the camera. Please hold the camera stead y
for app r oximately th r ee seconds to ensu r e the best exposu r e .
c . T o r eview the image, p r ess the “P r eview” button .
d. T o r etu r n to the captu r e mode, p r ess the “P r eview” button again .
Other Important Features of your new Argus DC-2185
Digital Camera
1 . Internal Memory : Y our camera is equipped with 8MB of built in storag e
that is designed as starter memory only and can hold a few images (up to 8) .
W e st r ongly r ecommend that you pu r chase and use a SD/MMC memory ca r d
(elect r onic film!) to sto r e your images. The Argus DC-2185 can operate with
S D ca r ds ranging f r om 16MB up to as much as 512MB which will hold
hund r eds of images .
*Note : I f whe n insertin g a n S D o r MM C card , a forma t ico n ma y appea r , thi s mean s you r
mem o r y c ar d n e e d s t o b e f o rm att e d i n o rd e r t o w o r k wi t h t h i s c am e ra . P le a s e p re s s t h e sh ut te r
but t o n t o f or m a t th e S D car d .
2 . Self- T imer: Be in the pictu r e with your friends! The Argus DC-218 5
has a built-in 10 second self timer which can be accessed by p r essing th e
menu button “M” once, p r ess “M” a second time to sc r oll over to the sel f
timer icon, and then p r ess the shutter button down to confirm. The camer a
r esets to the self-timer o f f position once it has
been used .
3 . Rapid Fire and 3 photos taken in succession: Y our new Argus
DC-2185 camera lets you captu r e 3 images in quick succession. T o enter
th e Rapid Fi r e mode, p r ess the M/On/O f f button four times until you see th e
Rapid Fi r e icon (backwa r ds E). P r ess the shutter button and the camera
will captu r e 3 quick rapid fi r e images.

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