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www.argonaudio.com 1
Dear Customer,
Quality has always been our driving force and founding
Argon Audio is a natural extension of this philosophy.
We have 20 years’ experience in creating and
specifying high quality products, manufacturing them
and selling them on to end users with Value-for-Money
as the primary aim.
And Argon Audio is a brand fully compliant with these
Design, features and quality standards are all specified
in Denmark and manufacturing takes place in the Far
East and United Kingdom where quality vendors are
highly competitive - and as a result supply outstanding
Value-for-Money products
– To the delight of both ourselves and our customers!
Congratulations with your TT1 turntable, may it bring
years of enjoyment.
Safety Instructions
Please store this instruction manual for future
Do not use this product near water or moisture.
Clean only with a dry cloth.
Unplug this product from the wall outlet before
Place the unit on a solid surface.
Do not put it in a closed bookcase or a cabinet that
may keep air from flowing through its ventilation
Do not install near any heat sources, such as
radiators, heat registers, stoves or other appliances
that produce heat.
Protect the power cord from being walked on or
pinched, particularly at plugs and the point where
they exit from the product.
Servicing is required when the product has been
damaged. Do not attempt to service this product
yourself. Opening or removing covers may expose
you to dangerous voltages or other hazards.
Please contact the manufacturer to be referred to
an authorized service center near you.
To prevent risk of fire or electric shock, avoid over
loading wall outlets, extension cords, or integral
convenience receptacles.
Do not let objects or liquids enter the product.
Use proper power sources. Plug the product into a
proper power source, as described in the operating
instructions or as marked on the product.
About TT1
The TT1 has been designed and engineered to achieve
outstanding performance way beyond the expectations
of a product at this price point. Excellent build quality,
reliability and ease of use combine to make a product
which if used correctly will offer you a lifetime of musical
Omitting all the usual gimmicks allows us to concentrate
the manufacturing costs on the high quality parts
necessary to reproduce records accurately. Using a
manual speed change rather than an automatic
mechanism eliminates speed inconsistencies and
reduces wear of the drive belt. The money we save is
spent across the design including a hand assembled
tonearm, precision main bearing and a high quality low
vibration motor which would normally be used on a
turntable costing two or three times the amount.
The minimalist design of the Argon TT1 and the use of
extremely high quality components ensure that your
turntable should last for many years. The tips on the
reverse of these instructions will help increase the life of
your turntable and ensure optimum performance.
Operating Your TT1
Manual speed change 33 RPM 45 RPM
You can change playing speed by simply removing the
latter and moving the belt to either the 33rpm or 45rpm
wheel of the drive pulley see fig 1.

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