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See the instructions "Emptying the water container" on page 7.
Drain the condensed water completely.
Clean (or replace) the filter.
Put the unit on a sunny day in fan mode for a couple of
hours to ensure that the inside becomes completely dry.
Store the power cable as shown, protect the unit against
dust and store in a dry place not accessible for children.
Cable storage
Never try to repair or dismantle the air condition yourself. Incompetent repairs result in loss of warranty
and can endanger the user and the property.
Problem Cause Solution
The air
conditioner does
not function.
No power supply. Connect to a functioning outlet and switch on.
Is the LCD light fl ashing. Empty the internal water container.
Timer function is active. Deactivate TIMER function.
The air
conditioner does
not seem to
In direct sunlight. Close curtains.
Windows or doors open, many
people or a heat source in the room.
Close doors and windows, place an extra air
Dirty filter. Clean or replace the fi lter(s).
Air inlet or air outlet blocked. Remove the blockage.
Room temperature lower than the
selected value.
Change temperature selection.
The unit is noisy. Unit stands uneven. Place on an even, solid surface (less
The compressor
does not work.
The overheat protection is probably
Wait 3 minutes until the temperature has
decreased, then turn on the unit again.
The remote
control does not
Distance too great. Make sure the remote control is correctly
aimed at the control panel.
Remote control signal not detected
by the control panel.
The batteries are drained. Replace the batteries.
To correct problems that have not been described in the table and/or if the recommended solutions fail
to solve the problem, contact an authorized service centre.

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