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5.0 Trouble-shooting
Problem Cause Correction
Machine does not start Have you pressed the Try again.
heating after having button completely down?
been switched on Is the power on? Check the plug of the machine.
(control lamp not alight) Check the fuses of the electric installation.
No steam comes out The handle may be defective Check the connection between the hose
after having activated Leak between hose coupling coupling and the hose socket of the machine.
the release of the and hose socket.
spray handle. Machine is not switched on. Check that both switches of the machine are
No steam comes out The handle may be defective Check whether lamp for low water level is
during operation alight. If yes, fill on water (see section 2.2).
Leak between hose con- Note: Carefully unscrew the filler cap until
nection and hose socket steam comes out. WAIT until the steam
pressure has left the boiler, unscrew the filler
cap and fill on water.
Steam comes out The O-rings are worn, has Place the O-rings in the small groove. If that
between the extension fallen off or have been does not help, contact ALTO in Penrith.
and the hose connection wrongly placed
Steam comes out by the Has the water filling cap been Press down the water filling cap and tighten
water filling cap at correctly screwed on before it up.
top of the machine heating?
Is the O-ring worn, has Place the O-ring in the small groove. If that
fallen off or been placed does not help, contact ALTO in Penrith.
wrongly ?
Should other malfunctions occur than those mentioned above, please contact ALTO in Penrith.
Customer services: ALTO Cleaning Systems Ltd. Phone: 01 768 868995
Gilwilly Industrial Estate
Penrith, Cumbria CA11 9BN
6.0 Warranty
Your quality product is guaranteed for 24 months
from date of purchase (purchase receipt must be
presented) on the following conditions:
l that defects are attributable to flaws or defects in
materials or workmanship.
(Usual wear and tear as well as misuse are not
covered by the guarantee).
l that the directions of this instruction manual
have been thoroughly observed.
l that repair has not been carried out or attempted
by other than ALTO-trained service staff.
l that only original accessories have been applied.
l that the product has not been exposed to abuse
such as knocks, bumps or frost.
l that only water without any impurities has been
used (mentioned in section 2.2 of this instruction
l that the machine has not been used for rental
nor used commercially in any other way.
Repairs under this guarantee include replacement
of defective parts. The machine should be handed
in to the shop where it was purchased or forwarded
to one of the service centres of the ALTO organisa-
tion with description/specification of the fault (the
guarantee repair will then be excl. of carrying
charges and packaging).
Any other repair of the machine (if the warranty
terms have not been respected) will be invoiced.
(I.e. malfunctions due to Possible Causes
mentioned in section 5.0 Troubleshooting Chart
of the instruction manual).
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