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We congratulate you on your new ALTO Steam Cleaner
We are confident that the new steam cleaner of ALTO will live up to your expectations
of modern, quick and efficient cleaning.
You have now got a cleaning device, which in many ways will facilitate your future
cleaning tasks and make them more efficient. 140°C hot steam is an efficient solution,
which does not only clean but also disinfects. Many tasks, which were previously hard
and time-consuming, can now be solved in a few minutes - and with a far better re-
With this instruction manual we wish to give you the basic knowledge to enable you to:
Use the steam cleaner in a safe and adequate way (section 1)
Operate the steam cleaner and the accessories appropriately and reasonably
(section 2)
Clean with the steam cleaner (section 3)
Maintain the steam cleaner (section 4)
Locate and correct a fault which may occur when using the steam cleaner
(section 5) and finally
Gain knowledge of the 2 years’ warranty policy of ALTO.
Section 3 of the instruction manual dealing with fields of application is only meant as
an appetizer. Therefore you should read the instruction manual carefully through
before you start cleaning and you will soon discover that places which were hard to
clean, can now be cleaned in a twinkling. Many possibilities of quick and efficient
cleaning are lying ahead.
If - contrary to expectation - problems with your steam cleaner should arise, which
cannot be remedied by means of the information in section 5, the whole service or-
ganisation of ALTO will be ready to help you.
ALTO is a world-wide concern with a comprehensive knowledge within development
and production of environmentally friendly cleaning solutions. Our product range com-
prises cleaning solutions for selected customer groups - from machines for domestic
use to big industrial cleaning systems.
The expertise of ALTO is cleaning with focus on the needs of the customers. The key
word is confidence - we name it Total Cleaning Confidence
. We want you, as a
customer, to feel confident that the cleaning equipment you get from us, is the most
efficient equipment available and that it fulfil all of your expectations.
Best regards
ALTO Danmark A/S
Downloaded from www.Manualslib.com manuals search engine

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