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FM Radio
The inMotion iM600 features a built-in FM radio.
Activate the FM radio mode:
Press the SOURCE button until “FM” is displayed on the
LCD screen.
Scanning FM radio stations:
Press and hold the or buttons to scan radio
stations in an incremental manner.
Note: When the reception level of the FM station is
strong enough for stereo reception, the FM stereo
indicator on the LCD screen will illuminate.
Programming FM radio stations:
To program FM radio stations into the wireless remote,
follow the steps below:
1. Press the SOURCE button until “FM” is displayed on
the LCD screen.
2. Use the and buttons to tune in the station to
be preset.
3. To program the station in the inMotion iM600
memory, press and hold for 3 seconds one of the
preset buttons [P1, P2, P3, P4] on the wireless
remote. The LCD will display the preset number
together with the word “SAVED” when a station has
been successfully programmed.
Once an FM radio station has been programmed, simply
press the appropriate preset button [P1, P2, P3, P4] to
select it.
Note: To re-program a station in the inMotion iM600
memory, simply repeat steps 1–3.
Alarm Clock Function
The inMotion iM600 is compatible with your iPod
device’s alarm clock feature. To use your iPod and the
inMotion iM600 as an alarm clock, follow the steps
1. Activate the alarm clock feature on your iPod (for
more information, consult your iPod user’s guide.)
2. Dock your iPod in the inMotion iM600.
3. Make sure the inMotion iM600 is plugged into a
wall outlet.
4. Turn on the inMotion iM600 by pushing the
button. The indicator light turns on.
5. Press the SOURCE button until “iPod” is displayed on
the LCD screen.
6. Use the “+” and “–” buttons on the inMotion iM600
to set the master volume.
Note: For the alarm clock function to work properly, the
inMotion iM600 must be plugged in to a wall outlet.
The inMotion iM600 will otherwise automatically shut
down if no audio is detected for four minutes.
Connecting to alternate audio source
The inMotion iM600 system includes an auxiliary input
jack that allows you to connect to alternate audio
sources, such as non-dockable iPod models, CD players,
MP3 players, portable DVD players, and laptops. To
connect the iM600 to an alternate audio source, follow
the steps below.
1. Locate a 3.5 mm stereo cable (sold separately).
2. Connect one end of the 3.5 mm stereo cable into
the auxiliary input jack (AUX) located on the back
of the inMotion iM600 system, and the other end
to the headphone or line out jack on your alternate
audio device.
3. Press the SOURCE button until “AUX” is displayed on
the LCD screen.
4. Set the volume on the audio source at mid-level.
5. Set the volume on the inMotion iM600 at minimum
level and adjust to a comfortable listening level.
The “+” and “–” buttons control the master volume.
Press and hold the “+” button to increase the volume
and the “–” button to decrease the volume.
For Additional Bass
The inMotion iM600 is equipped with a subwoofer
out jack (“SUB OUT”). This output should only be
used to connect an Altec Lansing optional subwoofer
specifically designed to increase the bass output of this
speaker system. Please check www.alteclansing.com for
availability information.

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