Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Visual Customizing
Changing Lighting Colour .............................. 23
Dimmer Control .............................................. 23
Scroll Type Setting .......................................... 23
Scroll Setting................................................... 23
Demonstration ................................................. 23
External Device
Connecting an MP3 Changer .......................... 24
Turning Mute Mode On/Off ........................... 24
Setting the AUX Mode (V-Link) ..................... 24
Connecting to an External Amplifier .............. 24
Setting the Digital Output ............................... 24
Setting the Digital Audio Processor ................ 24
DVD Setup
DVD Setup Operation ..................................... 25
Setting the language .................................... 25
Setting the TV Screen .................................. 26
Setting the Country Code ............................ 26
Setting the Rating Level (Parental Lock) .... 26
Setting the Digital Output............................ 27
Custom Setup
Custom Setup Operation ................................. 28
Setting the CD Play Mode ........................... 28
Setting the Video CD Play Mode ................ 28
Setting the Pause Mode ............................... 28
Setting the Downmix Mode ......................... 28
External Audio Processor (Optional)
Adjustment Procedure for Dolby Surround .... 29
Setting the Speakers ........................................ 30
Set MX Mode of the External Audio
Processor ..................................................... 30
X-OVER Adjustment ...................................... 30
Performing Time Correction Manually (TCR)/
Phase Switching .......................................... 31
Calculating the Time Correction ................. 31
Inputting the Time Correction ..................... 31
Switching the Phase ..................................... 32
Graphic Equalizer Adjustments ...................... 32
Parametric Equalizer Adjustments .................. 33
Setting Bass Compressor ................................ 34
Setting Bass Focus .......................................... 34
Speaker Setup ................................................. 34
Setting of Dolby Digital .................................. 35
Adjusting the speaker levels ........................ 35
Mixing bass sound to the rear channel ........ 35
Adjusting the acoustic image ...................... 35
Achieving powerful high volume sound...... 36
Adjusting the DVD Level ............................... 36
Using the Pro Logic II Mode .......................... 36
Linear PCM Setting ........................................ 37
Storing Settings in the Memory ...................... 37
Getting out the Preset Memory ....................... 37
Remote Control Operation .............................. 38
Playback .......................................................... 39
Searching for a desired Song .......................... 39
Searching by Playlist ................................... 39
Searching by artist name ............................. 39
Searching by album name ........................... 40
Quick Search ................................................... 40
Random Play Shuffle (M.I.X.)...................... 40
Repeat Play ..................................................... 41
Displaying the Text ......................................... 41
Changer (Optional)
Controlling CD Changer (Optional) ............... 42
Playing MP3 Files with the CD Changer
(Optional) .................................................... 42
Multi-Changer Selection (Optional) ............... 42
Remote Control
Controls on Remote Control ........................... 43
When Using the Remote Control .................... 44
Battery Replacement ....................................... 44
About DVDs ................................................... 45
Terminology .................................................... 46
List of Language Codes .................................. 47
List of Country Codes ..................................... 48
In Case of Difficulty ....................................... 50
Specifications .................................................. 53
Installation and Connections
Warning ........................................................... 54
Caution ............................................................ 54
Precautions ...................................................... 54
Installation ...................................................... 55
Connections ......................................................
System Example ............................................. 59

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