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Your mobile ....................
1.1 Keys
Navigation key
Confirm an option (press the middle of the key)
Access slide show and music player (long keypress)
Pick up
Send a call
Access call memory (Redial) (short keypress)
Access events (long keypress)
Switch on/Switch off the telephone (long keypress)
End call
Return to the main screen
Left softkey
Right softkey
Access your voicemail (long keypress)
In Edit mode:
- Short keypress: change input methods
- Switch from T9 predictive mode to Normal mode
- Long keypress: access the Symbols table
In Edit mode:
- Short keypress: access the language list
- Long keypress: enter zero
From main screen
- Short keypress: #
- Long keypress: activate/deactivate the vibrator
In edit mode:
- Short keypress:
- Long keypress: add a word
Short keypress: Play/pause music, Radio off.
Long keypress: Lock/Unlock the side keys (flip off).
Short keypress: Previous/next song (in the playing mode)
Previous/next channel (Radio on)
Long keypress: Volume up/down
8.3 Alarm
Your mobile phone has a built-in alarm clock with a snooze feature.
8.4 Calculator
Hold down the key to get the decimal point. Confirm with the
key or the left softkey.
8.5 Converter
Unit converter and Currency converter.
8.6 Voice memo
This feature enables you to record a call by selecting “Voice memo
while communicating. To record a sound, select Voice memo”,
then “New record
8.7 Memory status
It will indicate how much space is used and how much is currently
free on your phone and memory card (if any).
8.8 Directory backup
It maintains copy of contacts between Phone Directory and memory
card, in case of phone errors, theft or disasters.
8.9 My shortcuts
Access the shortcuts already programmed. To programme new
shortcuts: select My shortcuts” if you want to create a quick access
to a function, Directory, or WAP Bookmarks, etc.
WAP .........................
Access Wap options: Homepage, Bookmarks, Recent pages, Go to
URL and Profiles.
1.2 Main screen icons
Battery charge level
Vibrate alert: your phone vibrates, but neither rings nor beeps
except for the alarms.
Bluetooth status (Blue - Activated).
Bluetooth status (Connected to an audio device).
Headset connected.
Call forwarding activated: your calls are forwarded.
Alarm clock programmed
Level of network reception
Voicemail message arrived.
Unanswered calls
WAP alerts
Memory card scanning in progress
Memory card scanning completed
Line switching
: indicates the selected line.
GPRS connection status (Blue - Activated).
Shown only in no ciphering mode while calling, sending/receiving
Multimedia player active
USB cable connected.
Reception of a message in progress
Sending a message
Silence mode: your phone neither rings, beeps nor vibrates
except for the alarms.
Message unread
Message list is full: your terminal cannot accept any new
messages. You must access the message list and delete at
least one message on your SIM card.
Antenna off mode
A2DP connected
File manager ............
You will have an access to all audio and visual files stored in phone
or memory card in File manager.
10.1 My audios
Choose an audio for the ON/OFF screen, for an incoming call, a
message alert, power on/off ringtone or an alarm and scheduler.
10.2 My images
You can select an image or a photo as wallpaper, ON/OFF screen,
or assign it to a contact in the directory.
10.3 My videos
The My videos album contains all video clips embedded and
downloaded in phone or memory card.
10.4 My creations
This feature stores all the photos captured by your mobile phone.
10.5 Unknown files
Store files of unsupported format.
10.6 Memory card
You will have access to all files stored in memory card here.
Getting started .................
2.1 Set-up
Removing and installing the back cover
Installing and removing the battery
Inserting and removing the SIM Card
Place the SIM card with the chip facing downwards and slide it into
its housing. Make sure that it is correctly inserted. To remove the
card, press it and slide it out. Please power off your phone before
you remove the SIM card.
2.2 Power on your phone
Hold down the key until the telephone powers on.
2.3 Power off your phone
Hold down the key from the main screen.
Insert the memory card
10.7 Formats and compatibility
- Sounds: mp3, m4a, aac, midi, wav, amr
- Images: jpg, gif, bmp
- Videos: 3gp, mjpg
Camera ....................
Your mobile phone is fitted with a camera for taking photos and
shooting videos that you can use in different ways:
- store them in your File manager
- send them in a multimedia message (MMS) to a mobile phone or
an email address.
- customise your main screen.
- select them as incoming call image to a contact in your directory.
- transfer them by data cable or microSD card to your computer.
- modify your photos through adding frames.
Multimedia player .....
Access this feature from the main menu by selecting Multimedia
player”. You will have full access to “Music player”, “Video player”,
Image viewerand “FM radio”.
Calls ...............................
3.1 Making a call
Dial the desired number then press the key to place the call. If
you make a mistake, you can delete the incorrect digits by pressing
the right softkey.
To hang up the call, press the
Making an emergency call
If your phone is covered by the network, dial emergency number
and press the key to make an emergency call. This works even
without a SIM card and without typing the PIN code or unlocking
the keypad.
3.2 Calling your voicemail
To access your voicemail, hold down the key.
3.3 Receiving a call
When you receive an incoming call, press the key to talk and
then hang up using the
3.4 Available functions during the call
During a call, you can use your directory, your diary, short messages,
etc. without losing your correspondent by pressing the
Games & Applications
Your Alcatel phone may include
some Java™ applications and
games. You can also download new applications and games to
your phone.
Profiles ....................
With this menu, you may personalise ringtones for different events
and environments.
Making the most of
your mobile ....................
PC suite is provided on www.misssixty.com.
You can download software upgrade for free from this website.
Latin input mode .............
To write messages, there are two writing methods:
- Normal: this mode allows you to type a text by choosing a letter
or a sequence of characters associated with a key.
- Predictive with the T9 mode: this mode speeds up the writing of
your text.
- key in edit mode:
Short keypress: Access the language list
Long keypress: Enter zero
Call register .............
4.1 Call memory
You can access your call memory by pressing the key from
the main screen.
4.2 Events
By holding down the key from main screen or accessing from
main menu, it allows you to view a list of your all latest 20 events
(SMS, MMS, WAP Alerts, Voicemail and unanswered calls).
4.3 Billing
You can access different items with this option: Amount, Duration,
GPRS counter, Beep duration.
4.4 Call settings
You can access a number of items with this option: Call waiting, Call
forwarding, Call barring, Caller ID, Line switching, Auto redial.
Directory ..................
5.1 Consulting your directory
To access the directory from the main screen, press the key or
press the
key and select the icon from the menu.
5.2 Creating a file
Select the directory in which you wish to create a file, press the
Options” softkey, select Create filethen .
1 2
Contact your network operator to check service availability.
3 4 5 6
Messages .................
6.1 Create message
From the main menu select Messagesto create text/multimedia
message. You can type a message and you can also modify a
predefined message in
Templates or customise your message by
adding pictures, photos, sounds, titles, etc (only available while
editing a MMS). While writing a message, select “
Options” to access
all the messaging options. You can save your messages that you
send often to
Drafts or Templates (MMS only).
6.2 Inbox
All received messages (read and unread) are stored in the same
My settings ...............
From the main screen, select the icon menu and select the
function of your choice in order to customise your telephone: Color,
Theme, Clamshell, Equalizer, Display, Clock, Keys, More settings…
Tools ........................
8.1 Bluetooth
Access this feature by selecting Tools” from the main menu, then
8.2 Organizer
Once you enter this menu from Tools”, there is a monthly-view
calendar for you to keep track of important meetings, appointments,
etc. Days with events entered will be marked in color.
7 8 9 10
ALCATEL is a trademark of
Alcatel-Lucent and used under license by
TCT Mobile Limited.
All rights reserved © Copyright 2009
TCT Mobile Limited.
TCT Mobile Limited reserves the right to alter
material or technical specification without prior notice.
Contact your network operator to check service availability.
English - CJB20Q0ALAAA
To release the microSD card holder, slide it in the direction of the
arrow and lift it. Then insert the microSD card with the golden
contact downward. Finally, turn down the microSD holder and slide
it in the opposite direction to lock it.
Prolonged exposure to music at full volume on the music player
may damage the listener’s hearing. Set your phone volume safely.
Use only headphones recommended by TCT Mobile Limited and
its affiliates.
Depending on your network operator.
Display events (call, SMS, MMS, alarm...) or current status.
Depending on your country or your operator.
Volume up
Play/Pause key
Volume down
Left softkey
Pick up/Send call
Call memory
Right softkey
Switch on/Switch off
End call
Vibration alert
Navigation key
Menu/Confirm an option
File manager

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