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English - 80 -
If you choose RESET and press OK, the factory-
presets are loaded. Parental level and parental
password does not change.
This mode can be selected when the digital audio
output of the TV is used.
SURROUND: Surround sound output.
STEREO: Two channels stereo.
PARENTAL (Parental Level)
Playing some DVDs can be limited depending on the
age of users. The “Parental Control” function allows
playback limitation level to be set by the parent.
Parental Level can be adjusted to one of the eight
levels. Level “8 ADULT” adjustment let you watch all of
the DVD titles ignoring the DVD disc’s parental level.
You can watch the DVD discs, which has the same or
lower parental level than the player’s level only.
PASSWORD (Change Password):
Using this item you can change the current
To change the password you will be prompted to
enter your old password. After you have entered
your old password, you can now enter the new 4-digit
Note: Factory preset of the password is “0000”. You
have to enter XXXX digital password every time you
want to change the parental level. If you forget your
password please contact technical service.
You can set Spdif Output as PCM or RAW. If you select
PCM from SPDIF Output in DVD menu and play DVD
with Dolby audio, you can get audio output with two
channels via the speakers and the SPDIF Out. If you
select RAW from SPDIF Output in DVD menu and play
DVD with Dolby audio, speakers will be muted and you
can get 5+1 Dolby audio via the SPDIF Out.
The picture quality is poor (DVD)
Make sure the DVD disc surface is not damaged.
(Scratch, ngerprint etc.)
• Clean the DVD disc and try again.
See instructions described in “Notes on Discs” to clean
your disc properly.
Ensure that the DVD disc is in the drawer with the
label uppermost.
• A damp DVD disc or condensation may effect the
equipment. Wait for 1 to 2 hours in Stand-by to dry
the equipment.
Disc does not play
• No disc in the machine.
Place a disc into the loader.
• Disc incorrectly loaded.
Ensure that the DVD disc is in the drawer with the
label uppermost.
Wrong type of disc. The machine cannot play CD-
ROMS etc.
The region code of the DVD must match the
Wrong OSD language
• Select the language in the set-up menu.
• The language for the sound or subtitles on a DVD
cannot be changed.
• Multilingual sound and/or subtitles not recorded on
the DVD.
Try to change the sound or subtitles using DVD’s title
menu. Some DVD’s do not allow the user to change
these settings without using the disc’s menu

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  • is ons toestel geschikt voor een CI-module van TV-Vlaanderen (België). Wij kunnen de kaart in de voorzien gleuf schuiven maar krijgen als melding "geen interface-module gedetecteerd".
    Mvg, Ivan
    iboterberg@hotmail.com Gesteld op 23-4-2017 om 18:23

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    • voor de volledigheid wil ik nog even het type van ons Tv-toestel er bij vermelden nl. AKAI ALED1909TBK - vraag: is toestel geschikt voor CI-module van TV-Vlaanderen (België)? Geantwoord op 23-4-2017 om 18:31

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Andere handleiding(en) van Akai ALED1909TBK

Akai ALED1909TBK Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 44 pagina's

Akai ALED1909TBK Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 41 pagina's

Akai ALED1909TBK Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 45 pagina's

Akai ALED1909TBK Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanõl - 44 pagina's

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