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If the unit fails to perform as described in these Operating
Instructions, check the following guide.
There is no sound.
Is the AC cord connected properly?
Is there a bad connection? ( pages 5 and 6)
There may be a short circuit in the speaker terminals.
Disconnect the AC cord, then correct the speaker
•Was an incorrect function selected?
•Was the MUTE button pressed?
Sound is not heard from either of the front speakers.
Is the speaker level adjusted properly?
There is no sound from the center and the surround
speakers when playing Dolby Digital, DTS or Dolby Pro
Logic sound.
Is the surround mode appropriate for your speaker configuration
selected? ( page 24)
An erroneous display or a malfunction occurs.
Reset the unit as stated below .
The power cannot be turned on.
Disconnect the AC cord, and connect it again in a few
The remote control does not work.
Press the source button (VIDEO 1, VIDEO 2, TV, DVD/CD,
TUNER/BAND, CABLE/SA T.) to confirm the remote control
mode. ( page 10)
There is constant, wave-like static.
Is the antenna connected properly? ( page 6)
Is the signal weak?
Connect an outdoor antenna.
The reception contains noise interferences or the sound
is distorted.
Is the system picking up external noise or multipath distortion?
Change the orientation of the antenna.
Move the unit away from other electrical appliances.
The disc does not play.
• Check your connection.
Is the disc correctly placed? ( page 15)
Is the disc dirty? ( page 32)
Is the lens af fected by condensation?
Wait approximately one hour and try again.
Are you trying to use a disc that can’t be played, such as a CD-
ROM? ( page 13)
• [DVD only] Does the disc exceed the specified rating level? (
page 30)
• [DVD only] Is the unit connected through a video deck, through
a selector switch, or to a TV set with a built-in video deck?
The picture may be bad when used with some television sets
or projectors, due to the DVD copy protection scheme.
The picture quality may also suf fer if the DVD player is
connected through a selector switch with other video
equipment. Try turning of f the power to the other video
The picture quality may be somewhat poor when paused,
during Frame Advance, fast forward or fast reverse. This is
• Check the color system setting. ( page 31)
The DVD does not play according to your preferences.
• Check your setup. ( page 29)
• Many DVD features, such as the menu, subtitles, multi-audio,
multi-angle, rating functions, are dependent on the DVD
software itself. Check the instructions for your disc.
When connecting the TV for the first time, no picture
appears on the TV screen.
• Check the color system setting. ( page 31)
If an unusual condition occurs in the display window , reset the
unit as follows.
Hold down s for 4 seconds.
Everything(except for the DVD setup) stored in the unit’ s memory
after purchase is canceled.
For resetting the DVD setup, see “If you forget your password”,
page 30.

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