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When shipping the unit
The original shipping carton and packing materials come in handy .
For maximum protection, re-pack the units as it was originally
packed at the factory .
When setting the unit
The picture and sound of a nearby TV, VCR or radio may be
distorted during DVD playback. In this case, position the unit away
from the TV, radio or VCR.
To keep the surface clean
Do not use volatile liquids, such as insecticide spray , near the
units. Do not leave rubber or plastic products in contact with the
units for a long period of time. They will leave marks on the
Do not touch the playback side of the disc.
Hold the disc by the edges so that fingerprints will not get on the
Do not stick paper or tape on the disc.
To clean the cabinet
Use a soft, dry cloth. If the surfaces are extremely dirty , use a
soft cloth lightly moistened with a mild detergent solution. Do not
use strong solvents, such as alcohol, benzene or thinner , as these
might damage the surface of the units.
To obtain a clear picture
The DVD player is a high-tech, precision device. If the optical
pick-up lens and disc drive parts are dirty or worn down, the
picture quality will be poor .
Regular inspection and maintenance are recommended after
every 1,000 hours of use. (This depends on the operating
For details, please contact your Aiwa dealer .
Fingerprints and dust on the disc can cause poor picture quality
and sound distortion. Before playing, clean the disc with a clean
cloth. W ipe the disc from the center out.
Do not use strong solvents such as alcohol, benzene, thinner ,
commercially available cleaners or anti-static spray intended for
analog records.
After playing, store the disc in its case.
Do not expose the disc to direct sunlight or sources of heat, or
leave it in a parked car exposed to direct sunlight, as there may
be a considerable temperature increase inside the car .

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