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Camera notes:
Do not store or use the camera in the following types of
In the rain or in, very humid and dusty places.
In a place where the camera may be exposed directly
to sunlight or subject to high temperature, e.g. Inside a
closed car in summer.
In a place where the camera is subject to a high
magnetic field, e.g. near motors, transformers or
Do not place the camera on a wet surface or places where
dripping water or sand may come in contact with the
camera, which may cause irrepairable damage.
If the camera will not be used for a long period of time, we
suggest you remove the batteries and the memory card
from the camera and keep them in a dry environment.
If you carry the camera suddenly from a cold location to a
warm place, moisture may condense inside the camera. We
suggest you wait for a while before turing on the camera.
No compensation for loss of recordings. Loss of recordings
cannot be compensated for if a malfunction of your camera
or recording media, makes the playback of recordings not
Battery notes:
Incorrect use of the battery may cause them to leak, become
hot, ignite or burst. Always observe the precautions given
Do not expose the battery to water, and take particular
care to keep the terminals dry.
Do not heat the battery or throw them into a fire.
Do not attempt to deform, disassemble or modify the
battery .
Keep the battery out of reach of small children.
In cold locations, battery performance deteriorates and the
time for which they can be used shortens markedly.
Memory card notes:
When using a new memory card, or a memory card that has
been used in a PC, be sure to format the card with your
digital camera before using it.
To edit image data, copy the image data to the PC’s hard
disk first.
Do not change or delete the folder names or file names
in the memory card from your PC, as this may make it
impossible for your camera to recognize the original folder
or file in the memory card.
The photos taken by this camera are stored in the auto-
generated folder in the SD card. Please do not store
photos that are not taken by this model of camera, as this
may make it impossible to recognize the picture when the
camera is in playback mode. Please do not expose the
camera to harsh environments such as moisture or extreme
temperatures, which may shorten the life of your camera or
damage the batteries.

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