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4 Parameter Description
2 Product Notes
1 Unpacking Inspection
Accessories list
1. Once receive the product, the user should open the
outer packing box to check the appearance for obvious
2. Please referring to the following list to check whether
the accessories are complete.
External camera structure diagram
3 Main Features
5 Camera Structure
Accessory name Number
IP camera 1
CDusers guide
Quick Operation Guide 1
Thank you for buying our IP camera, please read
the following instructions carefully to learn the
related operation.
1. Before using the cameraplease read this
guide book carefully and make sure the power
supply is normal.
2. Users should follow the manufacturer's instruc-
tions to install device professionally and must
not dismantle the equipment without permission.
3. To prevent the sensor pull light phenomenon,
prohibit putting the lens under bright light for a
long time.
4. If the lens is dirty or foggy, please use a dry soft
cloth to clean it.
5. The equipment must not be installed under the
air door of air conditioner , otherwise the lens
will become blurry and condenses into moisture.
6. When install, repair or clean the equipment,
please make sure the power has been turned
7. Stay away from high temperature and heat
source environment, pay attention to ventilation.
8. To avoid damage and electrical shock, non-
professionals are forbidden to dismantle the
9. Prohibit putting this equipment to work in strong
magnetic field and laser beam environment.
10. If there is lightning during installation, please
take grounding lightning protection measures.
11. Damages to the machine and all other
economic losses caused by human are at
your own risk.
Mind you respected user, important
operations and maintenance (repair)
guide are described in the attached
product instruction.
Mind you respected user, uninsulated
"dangerous voltage" exists, please be
aware of electric shock.
Power supply must pass safety certification ,Its
output voltage, current, voltage polarity and oper-
ating temper ature must match requirement of this
• Please install lightning protection devices or cut off
the power in thunder and lightning conditions.
To capture high-quality video and pictures, please
make sure the network connection is stable and
1. Ultra-low illumination and high-performance real-time
screen, support ABLC image effect.
2. Support WEB configuration, and IE network Monitoring
3. Support dual-stream.
4. Support OSD, color, brightness, saturation and digital
zoom settings settings.
5. Support real-time video transmission, video motion
detection and privacy masking.
6. Support remote monitoring, ONVIF2.4 protocol and
IR-CUT switch.
7. Support P2P network platform.
The following structure diagram is used as an example
for the different appearances of different models.
Sequence NO. Interface Functional description
1 Power connector 12V DC input power
2 Network interface Network data transmission
Power connectorfor
stand-by power
12V DC input power
4 Network interface
Network data transmission ,
12V DC input power
1. Input interface
2. Device connection
Quick Operation Guide
Thank you for using our product, please read this manual
carefully before use.
Please refer to the complete User manual for more information
from the CD.
Sensor type
1/4" 1.0 Megapixel CMOS Image sensor
OmniVision OV9712s
Minimum Illumination 0.5 Lux
S/N Ratio
Shutter 1—1/10000s(adjustable)
12mm(adjustable),Lens optional
Lens interface type C/CS
Day/Night ICR-infrared filter
Video Compression H.264/JPEG
Bit Rate 64-12000Kbps
Max image size 1280×720
Frame Rate
Image setting
Brightness, contrast, saturation,
sharpness can be adjusted
Backlight Compensa-
Storage function
Onvif Onvif 2.4
Intelligent alarm
Motion detectionPrivacy
General function Tri-Stream/Mirror
Communication inter-
RJ4510M/100MAdaptive Ethernet
Humidity 0%-90%RH Without Condensation
Power DC12V±5% / PoE(802.3af)
Size 38×38mm

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