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GB 7
cooking information
cooking settings
settings 1 - 4
- making stock
- stewing cooking pears
- stewing meat
- cooking food through
- braising vegetables
settings 4 - 7
- cooking large quantities through
- defrosting firm vegetables (French beans, for example)
setting 8
- frying thick pancakes
- frying thick pieces of meat covered in breadcrumbs
- frying thin pieces of meat
- frying thick pieces of meat
- fry fat out of cubes of bacon
- frying raw potatoes
- frying French toast
- frying fish covered in breadcrumbs
- frying thin pieces meat covered in breadcrumbs
- frying omelettes
settings 9 - 12
- searing meat
- frying flatfish, thin steaks or fillets
- frying cooked potatoes
- cooking smooth, thickened soups and sauces
- frying omelettes
- frying steak (medium, pink)
- deep frying (depending on the temperature and the quantity)
setting 12
- bringing to the boil quickly
- shrinking down leaf vegetables
- blanching vegetables
- heating oil, fat and butter
- frying steak (rare, red)
- getting pressure cooker up to pressure
- cooking smooth, thickened blancmange and custard
GB 6
switching on
The ceramic glass hob is resistant to all temperature shocks.
Neither the heat or the cold will damage the hob. On the
glass work surface the 4 cooking zones are indicated by a
circle. The base of the pan should correspond with this circle.
You may turn the switch either to the left or the right. The
switch has 12 settings, you can also select any setting in
between. The ceramic hob is fitted with a residual-heat
switching on
1 Put a pan on a cooking zone.
2 Turn the control knobs to the required setting.
The various cooking settings can be found in the table on the
following page.
residual-heat indicator
The indicator shows that the cooking zone is still hot, and
goes out as soon as the glass top reaches a safe
Residual heat is indicated with a light on the glass top.
The cooking zone can be switched off 5-10 minutes before
the food is cooked. If the food is in a covered pan, it will
continue to simmer on the residual heat.
Control knob

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