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Operating instructions ATAG E-Series
Selection Type of installation
Flow water
Radiators; air heating; convectors 85°C
Radiators with large surface areas or under floor heating as
additional heating
Under floor heating with radiators as additional heating 60°C
full under floor heating 50°C
= factory setting
Adjusting the type of installation
The boiler is designed in such a way that it will adjust
itself automatically to what is necessary for a
normal heating system. In some cases the
installation may have convectors or complete
underfloor heating.
One can easily choose heating installation
adjustments appropriate for the system such as
maximum water-flow temperature or for the
warming up of the installation after a night period.
Adjustment goes as follows:
- Press (from the Technical) reading the Mode
key once;
- Press the Step key twice;
The display will show 2 01.
- Press the + or the - key to alter the type of
installation according to the table below;
- Press the Store key to confirm the setting;
The display will flash once.
- Press the Mode key once;
The display will show StbY for a short while and
will return to the Technical reading.
When a type of installation has been chosen with a low water-flow temperature
it is possible that in case of a severe winter period the temperature of the
heating system will need to be increased slightly. In such situations the
installation choice may need to be changed, so that a higher flow temperature
can be chosen. This adjustment would normally be carried out by your installer
during the installation and commissioning.

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Andere handleiding(en) van ATAG E22C

ATAG E22C Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 40 pagina's

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