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Short manual ATAG BrainQ RSC/2 RS/2
Intelligent clock thermostat
This short manual contains a summarized description of the most common functions.
HC = Central heating
DHW = Domestic hot water
HC = Direct circuit / central heating system
Operating instruments of the room sensor
1. Rotary pushbutton
2. Program button
3. Information button
4. LCD display
Operation and symbols
General functions
The rotary pushbutton has 2 functions:
 Press: select (selected) function or value, accept if necessary
Turn: select, change selected values
Press for 3 s: Entry into the programming level
Standard display
Day, date, time, current temperature. The arrow below shows the selected function.
The automatic program is standard 
Special symbols
L Frost-symbol: Frost protection of the burner switched on
due to low outside temperature (standard: 3°C)
G Sunshade: Heating switched off due to high outside temperature
(standard: 21°C)
Alarm message: Alternates with standard display. If the alarm message
returns after a reset of the burner (also check the hydraulic
pressure first: 1,7 - 2 bar!): Contact your heating specialist.
Temporary change of room temperature
 Press the rotary pushbutton 1 time briefly
 Turn the rotary pushbutton to the desired temperature.
 Press the rotary pushbutton 1 time briefly
Inquiry of installation information
To inquire after information on the plant, press the i-button . Turn rotary pushbutton (to the
right) to inquire after the following:
- Outside temperature (when the outside sensor is connected)
- OUT Min./Max.: Minimum or maximum measured outside temperature in the last
24 hours
Unit: Central heating water temperature (boiler temperature)*
- Domestic hot water:Domestic hot water tank temperature (when domestic hot water
supply is connected)
Modulation: Percentage of the current capacity, at which the unit is burning
Hydraulic pressure: current hydraulic pressure (in bar) in the central heating system
(between 1.7 and 2.0 bar = OK)
- Room sensor: indicates if there is a demand for heat for the DHW or HC
Room temp HC: current temperature
Unit OFF: HC-unit is switched off due to high outside temperature
Auto day DHW OFF: Current program and status domestic hot water supply
Auto day HC OFF: Current program and status HC
Depending on the plant and the selected programs, more or less information values can be
Temporary programs:
n Holiday til... (date to be selected from today): HC and DHW off during the
entered period. Frost protected.
Y absent til... (length of brief absence to be selected, HC set to night temperature)
[ Party til... (length of temporary extension of heating period after
expiration of the entered timeprogram to be selected, HC day temperature)
Long-term programs:
Z Automatic (HC and DHW according to set timeprogram). Optionally,
3 timeprograms (P1, P2 and P3) are available (request information
from your heating specialist).
The desired timeprogram can be selected here afterwards.
\ Summer DHW (HC switched off, DHW available depending on timer)
] Heating (HC constantly at set day temperature)
_ Red. heating (HC constantly at set night temperature)
^ Standby (HC and DHW switched off, frost protected)
Program selection
Press program button. Operational mode appears followed by the currently set program.
Turn the rotary pushbutton to the desired program.
Press the rotary pushbutton to select a program.
If necessary (depending on program): Turn rotary pushbutton to set time or date, press rotary
pushbutton to accept the setting.
Return to automatic timeprogram (Automatic)
1. If a temporary program has been selected, the timeprogram will switch on again
automatically after the program expires.
2. Cancelling a program prematurely: Press the program button for 3 sec.
3 sec

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Andere handleiding(en) van ATAG Brain Q

ATAG Brain Q Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

ATAG Brain Q Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 24 pagina's

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