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3Important safety instructions
Important safety instructions: Read carefully and
keep for future reference
To avoid the danger of fire
The microwave oven should not be left unattended during operation. Power levels that
are too high or cooking times that are too long may overheat foods resulting in a fire.
The electrical outlet must be readily accessible so that the unit can be unplugged easily
in an emergency.
The AC power supply must be 230 V, 50 Hz, with a minimum 16 A distribution line fuse,
or a minimum 16 A distribution circuit breaker.
It is recommended that a separate circuit serving only this appliance be provided.
Do not store or use the oven outdoors.
If food being heated begins to smoke, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. Turn off and unplug
the oven and wait until the food has stopped smoking. Opening the door while food is
smoking may cause a fire.
Only use microwave-safe containers and utensils. See Page 11.
Do not leave the oven unattended when using disposable plastic, paper or other
combustible food containers.
Clean the waveguide cover, the oven cavity and the turntable after use. These must be
dry and free from grease. Built-up grease may overheat and begin to smoke or catch
Do not place flammable materials near the oven or ventilation openings. Do not block the
ventilation openings.
Remove all metallic seals, wire twists, etc., from food and food packages. Arcing on
metallic surfaces may cause a fire.
Do not use the microwave oven to heat oil for deep frying. The temperature cannot be
controlled and the oil may catch fire.
To make popcorn, only use special microwave popcorn makers.
Do not store food or any other items inside the oven.
Check the settings after you start the oven to ensure the oven is operating as desired.
See the corresponding hints in the cookery book section.
To avoid the possibility of injury
Do not operate the oven if it is damaged or malfunctioning. Check the following before
a) The door; make sure the door closes properly and ensure it is not misaligned or
b) The hinges and door safety latches; check to make sure they are not broken or loose.
c) The door seals and sealing surfaces; ensure that they have not been damaged.
d) Inside the oven cavity or on the door; make sure there are no dents.
e) The power supply cord and plug; ensure that they are not damaged.

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